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Posts posted by ann1997

  1. I believe my husband was + when we met but didn't know it and I would have still dated him had he disclosed to me. I would have asked that he take antivirals and that we use protection just to be on the safe side and he absolutely would have. That being said I'm sure there are many other people out there who would be ok with dating someone H+.

  2. I have a friend who found out she is H2+ when she was pregnant through a regular screening. She said she never had an outbreak and her husband of 10 years was negative. Figure that one out! Her son was delivered natural and healthly....no problems! I think she said they gave her Valtrex before she delivered to prevent an outbreak.


    You and your baby will be fine!

  3. Omg no I had no idea that only certain strains caused cancer or warts. I have a regular gyn and I get yearly exams regularly. This July was the first time it's come back as hpv+. I lost it...I had tunnel vision reading the letter. Not only was I disgusted to know I have another std but I was really upset that I was sent a letter and not called by my doctor. What bothered me the most was at the end of the letter it said this is sexually transmitted so all the more reason to use condoms. Really??? I'm a married woman. I guess it makes me feel gross like I'm looked at as a person who is out catching diseases. I thought about finding a new gyn...one who would call me with such info rather than sending me a letter. What if my landlord downstairs or neighbor got it and opened it Jesus! But, then I would have to explain the whole H and now hpv to someone new and I just really don't want to. Sigh

  4. there is no way to prove how someone contracted herpes. It can lay dormant in you for years and years. My doctor told me this. Even if this man were to find out he has herpes there is NO way of knowing whether he contracted it from you. There is a chance he could already have it as it's fairly common. Your LAST worry should be about whether you gave him H.

  5. I contracted herpes 6 weeks after dating my now husband. Of course we went back and forth about who had it first as we both tested positive. But, I knew I didn't have it...my initial OB lasted 5 weeks. It was so horribly painful I had to pee through a funnel I made with tin foil just to avoid urine touching the sores. I work with children so I was terrified that I could somehow accidentally pass it to them (I still struggle with this after 2 years). My husband said he must have had it and not known and admitted recently that one day he saw something on his penis but assumed he caught it in his zipper. Looking back he says it was most likely a sore. We were able to work through it and got married. 2 years after the H diagnosis I find out I'm hpv+. So now in the almost 3 years I've been with my husband I've contracted a virus I can never get rid of and now another virus that can cause cancer. My husband says he must have also had this but did not know. Now I am left to fear that I could also have something even worse. When he got tested for herpes 2 years ago he said he was tested for everything thing else and was negative. I also was tested and negative for everything else. I guess I feel so confused and now I worry that he didn't really get tested. Although difficult, I can live with hsv2 and hpv. what choice do I have? If I found out I had hiv or hepatitis I don't think I could accept that. I was so shocked when I received the letter after my annual pap smear that I was hpv + that I cried and screamed at my husband. I told him I will not have sex with him again even protected until he is tested for every possible std and I see the results with my own eyes. I am so scared of catching something else. I love my husband but I can't keep taking these risks. I had 2 pap smears prior to this recent one and both were negative for hpv so i'm confused how this latest was positive. I don't know if it lies dormant like herpes and I've had it a while. I guess I'm scared he may have cheated and gave it to me recently. Why does life have to be so hard? Sorry for the long post but hopefully someone out there can relate? I pray no one ever has to go through this in their lifetime..

  6. I contracted herpes 6 weeks after dating my now husband. Of course we went back and forth about who had it first as we both tested positive. But, I knew I didn't have it...my initial OB lasted 5 weeks. It was so horribly painful I had to pee through a funnel I made with tin foil just to avoid urine touching the sores. I work with children so I was terrified that I could somehow accidentally pass it to them (I still struggle with this after 2 years). My husband said he must have had it and not known and admitted recently that one day he saw something on his penis but assumed he caught it in his zipper. Looking back he says it was most likely a sore. We were able to work through it and got married. 2 years after the H diagnosis I find out I'm hpv+. So now in the almost 3 years I've been with my husband I've contracted a virus I can never get rid of and now another virus that can cause cancer. My husband says he must have also had this but did not know. Now I am left to fear that I could also have something even worse. When he got tested for herpes 2 years ago he said he was tested for everything thing else and was negative. I also was tested and negative for everything else. I guess I feel so confused and now I worry that he didn't really get tested. Although difficult, I can live with hsv2 and hpv. what choice do I have? If I found out I had hiv or hepatitis I don't think I could accept that. I was so shocked when I received the letter after my annual pap smear that I was hpv + that I cried and screamed at my husband. I told him I will not have sex with him again even protected until he is tested for every possible std and I see the results with my own eyes. I am so scared of catching something else. I love my husband but I can't keep taking these risks. I had 2 pap smears prior to this recent one and both were negative for hpv so i'm confused how this latest was positive. I don't know if it lies dormant like herpes and I've had it a while. I guess I'm scared he may have cheated and gave it to me recently. Why does life have to be so hard? Sorry for the long post but hopefully someone out there can relate? I pray no one ever has to go through this in their lifetime..

  7. I just lol'd because I dream up these exact scenarios in my head all the time thinking i'm going to spread it. I even worry my dog has herpes on it's hair from lying in our bed and I won't let anyone touch him besides my family. The response from wcsdancer makes a lot of sense and I'm starting to draw comfort from these posts. Thanks!

  8. New here...I've had genital herpes for over 2 years now and take Valtrex daily. I live in fear of transmitting it accidentally to my son, kids I take care of or my coworkers. The intelligent side of me says I can't transmit it indirectly but the paranoid side says what if? My hands look like they've been burned because I wash them so much and use hand sanitizer constantly for fear of giving this to someone by accident. Please reassure me that I won't do this :( If this happened I don't think I could live with myself. So scared and depressed. It's bad enough having this without worrying that I'm a walking biohazard. I could start my own store with all the hand sanitizer, hand soap and boxes of gloves I own. My husband thinks I'm crazy...must be nice to not every worry about it! He has it too but never worries or thinks about it. What is the secret to making peace with this???

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