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Posts posted by thisislife

  1. So basically I am needing stories from actual couples (where one partner has HSV-2 and the other is HSV-2 negative), and how they are handling the whole sex issue with these conditions: the HSV-2 partner is taking daily suppressive therapy, and they are not using protection (by choice). I would like to know if any couples have passed it onto their partner or not. I was lucky and got this lovely little virus back in May. The guy that I started dating around that time did not pass it on to me, he is negative (he got tested)… which left me even more devastated. So I broke it off with him, because I felt awful about it… went through the whole “life is over”, “why me”, “things like this doesn’t happen to girls like me”, and blah blah blah. So to make a long story short… I accepted it, I have mentally healed (although there are days where I still get bummed out), and I have controlled it. I haven’t actually had a single outbreak since the first one. Been taking daily suppressive therapy ever since, exercise, and I take my vitamins… that is what works for me, and I actually feel pretty healthy these days. So about 3 months ago, the guy that I broke up with, well we reconnected. He still wants to be with me despite the HSV-2 issue, and for the past 3 months things have been great. We have sex, and of course we use protection (all while I am on antivirals). Now… we discussed having sex without protection… and we tried this recently (well 3 weeks ago). It was awful… for me anyways, and he will admit that he was a little concerned as well (even though he said he was cool with it and this was something he wanted), but I mean come on… if the shoes were on the opposite feet, I would have been a tad worried too. The whole time during, all I could think about was that I passing it on to him, he better not be too “rough” because his chances may increase of getting it (crazy… I know), and I just felt that if his penis barely even touched my vagina he was doomed. We have known one another for years, and basically we feel (and are confident) that we are in for the long haul. Of course we do not want to continue using condoms for the rest of our days. I would never have sex with him if I happen to believe I may be having symptoms or things of that nature, and I will continue to take the suppressive therapy to decrease his risk that much more. I just want to hear real life stories/situations of couples in my position (taking suppressive therapy and no condom). I can’t mentally wrap my brain around this, and I do not want to be mentally trapped by constant worry during and after sex. I care for this guy waaaaay to much to pass it on to him, and I know he has accepted this risk… but sill.. NO ONE wants this, and no one wants to pass this on to the other person. I just need to hear some success stories, or tips… or something… am I crazy????????

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