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Posts posted by diethappiness

  1. I mean, I guess there is some consolation in that I'd rather have it spread to my knee than to my mouth! But it does worry me about the possibility of it eventually winding up there if my body/the virus isn't picky about where it spreads. I also feel like it's a lot easier to be aware of "I touched my genitals, I should wash my hand" than "I touched my knee, I should wash my hands." Also, can't I then spread it from my knee to other people's body parts if we touch and they have an open cut? Ugh. This is just not very fun to think about....

  2. So I am feeling a little disheartened right now. I was diagnosed with genital HSV-2 almost two years ago. While the original diagnosis was of course extremely distressing, I have become OK with my diagnosis and am currently in a long term relationship with someone who knows about my status and is perfectly fine and comfortable with it. So for the last year and a half I've been pretty OK with the whole herpes thing, and have been on 500mg of Valtrex daily to reduce my outbreaks and reduce risk of transmission to my partner.


    Fast forward to about a week ago and I got a weird rash on my knee. It was red with fluid filled bumps. After several days of it worsening I went to the doctor who cultured it claiming that it sure looked like a herpes outbreak on my knee. Culture result came back today - positive for HSV-2. Thankfully the rash is resolving and it's going away. But, I now not only have HSV-2 genitally, but also on my knee.


    Has this happened to anyone else? How worried do I have to be about spreading this to OTHER areas of my body? My initial understanding of HSV-2 was that the virus really prefers genitals, and once infected, your body creates antibodies for the virus and it was unlikely to not possible to spread it to other areas. Which I guess for me is NOT correct. The doctor I saw even stated it was odd that I'd spread the infection seeing as I was on antivirals.


    Anyone have any words of hope, or at least a shared experience? I feel like the only person I've ever heard of who has HSV2 on their KNEE of all places.

  3. Hello everyone. I recently was diagnosed with HSV2 genitally, and have found this forum to be of great support, but I am confused!! I am a 25 year old female.


    I recently started seeing a new partner and prior to having any sexual activity with him I decided to get tested for STDs, including herpes. I got the IgG test and was negative for both HSV1 and HSV2. The guy I started seeing was tested back in February (along with his ex girlfriend) and both of them were also negative for everything, including herpes.


    Since he and his last sexual partner had both been tested during their relationship and he said (and I do trust) he had not had any sexual partners since I felt safe enough to have to have sex without a condom as I am on hormonal birth control. We had sex on Wednesday and Friday of last week. Saturday I felt a bit sore, and Sunday I felt what seemed to be the beginning stages of a yeast infection (though more tingly.). Monday morning I woke up in agony and made a doctor's appointment for Tuesday.... but I felt I already knew what it was as a self exam showed open sores on my vaginal lips.


    My doctor took a peak Tuesday and said it definitely looked like herpes, and sent in a culture. The culture came back positive for HSV2 (as expected). My doctor said that the timeline lined up pretty well for an initial exposure to herpes on Weds or Fri, and that this was definitely an initial outbreak due to the severity of symptoms.


    I have been open and honest with my new partner about this and he has been very supportive. He even went and got re-tested and we both thought maybe he or his last partner had been exposed just before testing and they didn't have it long enough to see a positive result on the test.... but his new herpes test is still negative! And my blood test I got at the beginning of the month was also negative. My last new sexual partner was back on May, and he and his ex broke up somewhere around July.


    Is it possible for him to have been the one to expose me to herpes but still be testing negative? Is it possible I have had it for longer and that I just never tested positive on a blood screening? Can someone help me clear up this confusion?



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