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Posts posted by Snyperx

  1. Ok i am learning....and confused now

    So hsv1 and 2 can be transmitted to another person, and not necessarily genital, but to a finger or hand? I remember discussing this back when I was first diagnosed....so even though the person is showing signs on just a finger, they can have a positive blood test for h 1 or 2 ?? Even though contact was never made genitally?(for 2)


    Yes, from my understanding that is correct. I know for a fact I got herpetic whitlow from a damaged cuticle on my finger and then coming into contact with HSV 2.

  2. Figured I would jump back on here and give an update post 1 year. So After a year and a couple of months I finally had a second outbreak on my middle finger. It was WAY more mild compared to my initial infection. Second infection had "sores/blisters", but they never ruptured. They stayed intact and under the skin. It also cleared up much faster. I am not on any suppression therapy. I kept it covered and that was it. I still have not experienced any symptoms or outbreaks in the genital area. Pretty thankful over all for what could of been a much worse issue for me. A big thanks to all the folks on this wonderful website for helping me through my situation!!

  3. I did not have a cut, but a damaged cuticle form clipping my nails. As for my partner having an outbreak I don't know. As far as I know to this point she didn't even know she was H+. I suppose I may not have even contracted it from her, but the timeline matches almost perfectly as well as the severity of the whitlow which would be common in a first time exposure. My whitlow was wickedly painful with massive swelling, redness, tenderness, and clear/yellowish drainage.

  4. All,

    Came across another "interesting" article in regard to supplements versus pharma drugs. I am not claiming anything from this article, but wanted to share because of some points discussed specific to (h).




    I am starting to see that from the pharma standpoint why would they want to cure (h) when they can lock us all in with an expensive antiviral. So my mission continues for potential natural alternatives.

  5. I am all in on this discussion. Like Sill88, have HSV2 herpetic whitlow on my left middle finger, but have had no symptoms downstairs. My finger OB was wicked severe (primary exposure according to my doctor). Just trying to get a handle on what we can do. I have disclosed and she seemed ok. She asked a few questions and I answered the best I could.


    Things are going well so far and I know she is wanting to get more intimate (oral for sure). I am just scared as what we can do.

  6. Maybe people know about this or maybe not, but thought it was a good read and interesting on how some new companies are focusing on T-Cell boosting rather than B-cell boosting which I believe is what the current antivirals do. In any case it looks/sounds promising, but hard to say at this point.



  7. Since no one has chimed in with response I will provide an update. I met her last night for drinks and just stated I had an awkward situation (thanks WCSDancer2010). I asked her is she ever heard of Herpetic Whitlow. She said no and I explained it was basically finger/digital herpes. Its caused by the herpes virus (HSV1/HSV2). Same one that can cause cold sores, which she admitted she has gotten. I explained it was localized to my left middle finger with no issues *south of the border*. I told her essentially HSV1 and HSV2 are basically the same virus except where they show up. HSV1 above the waist and HSV2 below the waste. I also told her the stat about how HSV1 is now the cause of 50% of all lower herpes infections. She really appreciated me being up front and we continued on with the evening of talking and having a few drinks. Being this was our third meeting it is still unknown if we will continue, but I can only hope. She did seem still interested and was interested in an actual dinner date;-) We shall see.

  8. Hi all. Recently diagnosed (10/25) with HSV2 Herpetic Whitlow (finger/digital herpes). Have gone out a couple off times with a new woman that I absolutely adore (prior to culture result on 10/25). So far we have kissed pretty heavily and I did some heavy petting (NOT with my whitlow hand/finger which is with zero blisters or scabbing currently).


    Tonight we plan to meet for drinks once again and I had planned on disclosing my hand/finger situation. I want to put her first and not mess this up. What is the best way to disclose? I have gone over a few options in my head with none really feeling right. Also, do I disclose that it is HSV2 whitlow and localized to my finger or do I disclose I just have HSV2 in general? If you read my first thread my finger had major/severe symptoms with no symptoms else where. In talking to my Dr. he felt the finger was a first time exposure situation and is localized to finger only.


    If someone could please help me with my disclosure I would be very grateful. Thank you.

  9. @Helzbelz88,

    Can I ask what H you have? I ask because I would think HSV-1 would be more accepting than HSV-2. I recently have been meeting a new woman that I absolutely adore. We have gone out a couple of times, but I have yet to talk to her. I was diagnosed with HSV-2 Herpetic Whitlow (culture positive) in my left middle finger. My initial infection was severe in the finger. I never had any genital symptoms. I am now >30days out from initial exposure and finger is healed and still no genital symptoms. My Dr. has stated that I more than likely infection specific to the finger.


    I have heard people comment to not even worry about disclosing the herpetic whitlow to yes I should. I had planned on disclosing regardless. You texted the guy about?


    This is all new for me and the timing of meeting this wonderful woman and my diagnosis could not of been worse:-(


    Sorry if I thread jacked.

  10. @Sil88,

    Finger is pretty much all healed. >30 days out and still no genital symptoms. Have been in constant talk with my Dr. and he is still stating I have a localized HSV-2 infection (confirmed with blister culture). In my previous posts I had severe symptoms in my finger and no additional symptoms anywhere else. So it would seem that my finger was first time infection which my Dr. stated is almost never asymptomatic.

  11. Recently have been fighting a finger infection that I thought was Herpetic Whitlow which started on 9/23. Dr. didn't think so. He prescribed antibiotics. They did not seem to cure the finger.


    Fast forward to today and the finger is much better now. The other day I woke up with a small blister on the same finger. Had the Dr. uncover it and had it cultured for Herpes. Test came back for HSV-2!!!! Currently taking 5 days of acyclovir.


    I have never been diagnosed with genital herpes, nor had any genital herpes symtoms. I did, however, "finger" my new partner right before this infection started. She never disclosed to me that she had a herpes infection. We have also had unprotected sex. I am trying to figure out what I should be concerned with in regard to future partners. Should i be concerned that I also have genital region herpes or is my infection localized to my finger only? I have had zero symptoms in the genital region unlike on my finger which were severe. I am about 30 days post first sexual contact.


    Please advise. Thank you

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