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Posts posted by kkvlbd

  1. So, I know I read somewhere on here that the higher the number in the test for herpes, probably the longer the person has had herpes? My BF's test came back >5 (which was very high according to the dr). However, when he was tested the year before, he didn't have it. So, could it be he had it, but it just wasn't showing up yet? Also, is it true transmission is the highest the first 6-12 months? Where is this information? Is there a website or journal article that can show me this info? I'm just now getting started in my research. Thanks!

  2. Hi all!

    First of all, I am so glad to have found this site! My BF was diagnosed with H2 almost a year ago, and I've hard a hard time finding good info out there! (besides just the factual websites! Not everyone has classical everything!!)


    My bf and I have been together for a while now. I love him dearly and wouldnt change anything about him. Before we started sleeping together, we both got tested for STDs. He came back positive for Herpes type 2. He said he has never ever had symptoms, so this was shocking to both of us. I told him I didn't care about this diagnosis, as I loved him just the same. So, we talked about our plans, and decided we will always use condoms, and he takes valtrex once a day. We have never seen an outbreak, but once again, he said he has never seen one to begin with.


    I dont have it (that I know of), but deep down inside, I am scared I could get it or do have it. We do want kids, and would like to start a family in the next few years years. After having kids, I honestly don't care so much about contracting it, but I worry about getting it before or during pregnancy. The problem is, I work in the hospital, and dont want all my co-workers knowing I have it (If I do). I know, it's selfish, but I work with all women! They all talk. After I have children and no one in the hospital knows, I honestly dont care so much if I have it or not.


    1. Has anyone had it and gone through pregnancy with it. What precautions did they take? What did your OB say? Did they do tests after your baby was born? I briefly talked to my Ob/gyn's nurse on the phone when my bf was diagnosed, but havent had an annual apt since he was diagnosed. So no doctor advice.


    We have only used condoms when having sex. He has never had an outbreak that we have seen. I have never had symptoms, but It sounds like everyone has their own symptoms. Not everyone has the classical symptoms. Would it be wise for me to go get tested every few months, or just wait for my annual at my gyno office and then get tested? (I have an apt in 4 months) Ive been a little itchy down there, but I'm also on antibiotics, so I don't know if it's related to that. I've had a few small bumps, but nothing close to my vagina or anus- mostly near my legs, probably b/c I didn't dry my legs or whatnot. They are nothing horribly painful like what most people describe here. I would say they are more like pimples (yes, I have adult acne on my face and upper back). No tingling, fever, backache, etc. What do you guys think? I believe I've had stuff like this in the past, but now I'm just more paranoid.


    1. Did anyone have non specific signs before they were diagnosed?

    2. Should we do anything different?

    3. If you were/are negative, how often do you get tested? Or if your partner is negative, how often does she/he get tested? or does she?


    Any insight on anything would be helpful! Ive been searching for info for months now, and am glad to have finally found a board!! :)


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