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Posts posted by Pinkelephants47

  1. Hey everyone,

    Please bare with spelling and grammatical errors as I'm trying to type this before my

    Lunch break ends. I've been getting cold sores on my upper lip since I was a preteen

    I've come to terms with them. The last 2 years I started getting them much more frequently practically

    2x a month every month...terribly embarrassing and annoying. So I went to the doctor and was put on

    Acyclovir as needed at the first sign of a cold sore popping up. Now previously I never had any warning signs just all of a sudden

    My lip would start hurting and that's when I knew. I'm OCD about hand washing when I get them and not contaminating

    Or spreading the virus anywhere else. I've put myself on a lysine supplement, started exercising, and for whatever reason have

    Been cold sore free for over 8 months.

    Now last Saturday I had a low grade fever that came out of nowhere and left just as suddenly. Didn't think anything of it.

    Monday I had a really weird tingle tickle run up the inside of my upper lip. Stupidly didn't think anything of it.

    Wednesday the inside of my nose started hurting. I thought oh annoying I'm just getting a zit. And I was poking at it all day. Wednesday night I looked at it and it was a blister and it popped.

    Now I'm panicking because I have never had a cold sore there. How could have I gotten one there?? I've never actually been tested to find out what type I have

    I just always assumed it was hsv-1. And I thought they didn't just pop up all willy nilly where ever they felt like going. So I'm panicking about where they are going to pop up next. I made an appt to get tested next week at my pap. I know if I spread it anywhere else from me being an idiot and poking at it the first day I guess it's just a wait and see after three or so weeks.

    Anyway...any thoughts or reassuring or not would be helpful.


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