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Posts posted by sadaf

  1. If I put yeast infection gel on what could possibly be a herpes outbreak (mine is on my labia minor and the bumps are in symmetrical straight lines on either side) would it bring down the redness and rash or would that just work if it were a yeast infection? I'm trying to see if i have herpes before i can get to a clinic which is in 3 days because I don't have any way of transportation

  2. I'm just concerned I have a cold sore have my bf oral putting the virus on his penis and then when we had sex we did use a condom he gave it to me then also about 4 days before we had sex we had Ora sex and I rubbed my vagina on his dick but we didn't have penetrative sex

  3. ive never had cold sores before that I can remember but to you does what I'm describing sound like herpes to you? There's a line of bumps on either side of my labia minora right above the vaginal opening and the whole area is red and it is painful I've just never heard of anyone with herpes that had it in a line on both sides

  4. @inka sorry for bothering you but i just can't go to the doctor today and am freaking out a lot but the bumps are in a line but theres a lot of red irritation around them going about half way up my inner labia I just am not sure if i should rule out herpes because of that its not really a rash its just really red and irritated also when i had sex about a week ago we used a spermicidal condom could that have anything to do with it sorry I'm just really concerned

  5. I've never seen him with a cold sore but no I'm not and what makes me think that it couldn't be herpes is that it is symmetrical on both sides of labia minora right next to vaginal opening I also have white chunky discharge sitting on vaginal opening

  6. Thank you so much for responding willow does it sound like warts to you even though it conveniently happened right after I had a cold sore? Would genital warts cause the unusual pain in my back and I'm also feeling pretty down in the dumps just in general

  7. I realized what i thought was pimple is probably a cold sore a day after i engaged in unprotected oral sex and protected vaginal sex with my boyfriend. I now have pain in my back and legs and my labia minora has two symmetrical perfectly straight lines of irritation that is slightly bumpy. does this sound like herpes i really hope it isn't because i know my boyfriend will break up with me and i love him so much and he is really the perfect guy for me and this will ruin my life I'm only 18 years old a freshman in college and i feel like if i do have herpes and me and my current boyfriend break up i will never be able to find someone anytime soon because people my age aren't very accepting of herpes

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