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Posts posted by sleepless

  1. Also to add my obs are mostly on the anus and not on the front side :) I've read that because the virus mostly hibernates at the lower end of the spin, the end of the tailbone, that you're more likely to have an ob there than anywhere else.I still get them on my female parts too but mostly the backside...

  2. When I told my "BEST FRIEND" she told everyone in her circle! I'm like Hello I would like to be the one to tell or not tell someone about what I have. I was a little pissed at her at first but then I got over it and the people she told don't treat me any differently, and the one who told everyone even forgot I had it LOL!!! I was talking about it with her one day and she's like wait you have herpes and I'm like duh you were with me when I found out haha!

  3. @Coco1987 I have tried the H+ sites and like @WCSDancer2010 said it is VERY limited! I did meet a guy from my area on that site that joined around the same time as I did and like you he was limiting himself to strictly dating people who were H+ because he didn't want to infect a healthy person. Which was his preference. He ended up opening up to a friend of his and found out she was H+ too so we didn't get a chance to meet but I wasn't beating myself over it. I've found that a lot of people I have disclosed to are pretty understanding and it hadn't made them pump the breaks and say "Whoa! We can't date because you have h" I've had relationships that ended not because of h but because we turned out to have different belief systems of how a relationship should work.


    Good luck in the dating realm I'm sure you'll do fine!


    BTW thanks for the link to Adrial's blog @WCSDancer2010 :)

  4. Before I was formally diagnosed I did A LOT of research on different STDs and what the symptoms could mean. I contracted TWO that's right TWO STDs! I had contracted both Chlamydia and Herpes! I first thought I had a UTI and when I went to a local urgent care doctor he informed me that I should go see my normal GYN or pay a visit to Planned Parenthood and have a more extensive test. Within the next few days I started to develop more predominant signs of herpes. Intense itching and soon after a massive amount of bumps ALL over every part of my beautiful flower. It was scary and painful!!! It itched but hurt to itch and would burn so bad while urinating I would shiver with pain. I had to use a water bottle with warm water while I was peeing to prevent urine from touching my open soars. When I went into Planned Parenthood the doctor took one look and said oh you poor thing you definitely have herpes! She felt bad because she knew how much pain I must've been in. I had all the typical symptoms, soars, swollen lymph nodes, tingling everything! She took a swab sample (came back H+ obviously), and tested me for Chlamydia and Gonorrhea and that's how I found out I had Chlamydia. I didn't have any symptoms for the Chlamydia other than dark urine and later came the discharge (when I went back to get the anti-biotics for my diagnosis). These symptoms began to develop two days after intercourse with the individual the herpes was a full on ob by day 5 and the chlamydia stated showing more obvious symptoms a week to a week-in-a-half later.

  5. Good point on the BC @WCSDancer2010! I used to have issues with bc, my period, and OBs. During the time when I'd be PMSing and on bc I'd have an ob, even with the lowest dosage hormones available in the pill! I have since switched to the nonhormonal Paragaurd IUD (a 10 yr bc method). Although there is a chance of pregnancy it has worked well for me the past 2 1/2 years! I will still get an ob from time to time during that time of the month but not as frequent as before and with less intensity! The Paragaurd is not for everyone as it can affect your menstrual cycle, but like I said it has worked well for me. Hope this helps :)

  6. I am apart of a really tightly knit family and I didn't have any issues with telling them. My mom knew (she has since passed) my sister knows, bro-in-law and all my cousins. I haven't told my aunts/uncles and don't really feel like it's a big enough deal for them to know lol I basically told the people I am extremely close to. I have also told a few of my close friends. I think it all boils down to is who you trust. I know that my family/friends love me enough to not think anything less of me, and wish nothing but the best for me.


    @Bengee I'm really sorry that you have had to go through what you've been through with having h. I hope that with the support of this group you're able to go out there and meet a beautiful person who won't judge you for what you have and will see you as the person you are. Please don't ever limit yourself because of a treatable skin condition.


    @JessikaRabbit89 I'm glad that you are trying to reach out to people and educate them. It takes a lot of courage to put yourself out there. I commend you for the courage you have, I on the other had was not so courageous in putting myself out there. It took me a long time to come to terms with myself, but then I realized I don't feel any different, I don't love any differently, and I don't think any differently than I used to, other than disclosing to someone what I have before getting into an intimate relationship with someone. Most importantly I love myself and my life too much to let something like herpes define who I am!


    @Adrial thank you again for creating (h)opportunity and for bringing us together for advice, friendship, and support!

  7. Hello All! My membership was just approved yesterday woohoo! I am loving the site and the support that everyone gives each other. I have had h for 8 years. I contracted from a guy I had been seeing for a short amount of time. I have been careful these past 8 years. I've disclosed to a few partners most of them have been supportive and understanding about it. I've only had one person in particular flip out on me (because I didn't disclose to him first) and tried to kill us in a car accident a couple of times. It was like being in a car chase in an action film. Luckily he was a good driver and stopped us from hitting anything. After his initial shock wore off he was sorry for his reaction and we remain friends. Anyway I don't recommend being intimate with anyone before disclosing to them!!! With that being said I am here to support others and get support and advice from everyone else as well. I still have a hard time accepting myself emotionally, and so far the site and the YouTube Videos that Adrial has posted in The Herpes Opportunity are a great tool to help with accepting yourself as the same beautiful person you were before the h, so thank you Adrial and everyone else who contribute to helping young and old and the many men and women who are affected by this skin condition. My name is Amber and I'm 33 years old living in the Monterey Bay, CA! I am engaged and am looking for buddies male or female. Take care and much love to you all!

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