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Posts posted by Pixie

  1. Hey guys,


    I've been reading this blog for years, even emailed the writer with my dating issues. Please read this! It's not your typical website it's REAL talk. I came across a topic about dating with stds and he talks about herpes and how it changes nothing.


    So please just keep an open mind when reading it like I said its real talk and not sugar coated one bit.





  2. Yeah my doctor said ill do suppressive therapy for two more months! I've had H since September as well can't wait for my body to get with the program. I take one zinc, two vitamin C, three echinacea and a multi vitamin everyday. So I'm trying keep up with this and hopefully that two months will be one month instead @YogaJ12

  3. @WCSDancer2010

    I'll ask my doctor about famvir today. The thing is it's the time of the month so I try to wear panty liners instead of pads. Not a big fan of tampons :/ I do the commando thing as well as the cotton underwear when I have to. I live with my sister and niece so one bathroom don't wanna contaminate the tub. I already dodge the question of y I'm taking pills everyday.


    Thanks so much for the links I'll check them out.

  4. Thanks so much @WCSDancer2010


    I always read the stories and I think it's awesome that you take time out to respond to everyone.


    Needless to say that friendship may be getting terminated. He saw me out with a coworker and got upset because he thought I was on a date. So far from it! So it's starting to get complicated because he doesn't want to be with me last time I checked but he gets upset if he sees with another guy. Men :/ can't live with em or without em.


    Hugs :)



  5. I've been taking valtrex daily why am I still having constant outbreaks. :( I don't get it I thought it was suppose to suppress the virus but my outbreaks haven't stopped at all. This just sucks. I also take vitamins (vitamin c, zinc, multi vitamin syrup,echinacea). What else can I do? I think my panty liner may have caused it, it's not scented or anything. But I guess the layers of clothes may have triggered it( panty liner, panty, stockings, work pants) I can't get around not wearing stockings or pants it's my uniform. Help! I just want it to stop. Mine are painful and itch sometimes to the point where I can't sleep. I can feel the virus is still present every morning I wake up I have to blow my nose ugh. It's bin like that for a month now.


    Any suggestions would be helpful. Should I continue with valtrex or switch ?

  6. So I was diagnosed with HSV 2 last year September. I really thought my life was over, I cried everyday and every where. I experienced OB after OB and they were horrible. My giver is no longer in my life but looking back on everything that happened I could safely say he knew he had this and just didn't care about me. This site has really made everything better for me. I read many stories and I disclosed quicker than I thought I would and it wasn't so bad. :)


    I didn't just meet this guy I've known him for almost two years. We started talking about a relationship right before Christmas and things were going great. One night we were out talking and I jus did it! Please know I was terrified shaking and I couldn't look at him afterwards. He did leave shortly after since I dropped such an unexpected bomb. Needless to say the next day he called. Turns out he's a big germaphobe! Seriously killed me if I had known I wouldn't have disclosed to him at all. We have had ups and downs with him just trying to grasp the situation. I try to educate him a lil bit everytime we talk, but I don't think anything sexual will happen which is fine. I'm still getting to learn my body and get my outbreaks under control. I would never want to pass it to anyone.


    I'm just happy he didn't run for the hills. He's still in my life being a friend Which is what I need right now honestly. If it wasn't for this site I don't think I would of disclosed at all. Thanks everyone!

  7. Hey everyone so happy I found this site. I would love to have a buddy no preference. My name is Tash I'm 26 and I was diagnosed in September with HSV2. It's been really hard trying to cope and the only person I talk to is my doctor. I live in the Caribbean it doesn't matter if your near I just really need someone to talk to......I'm currently on suppressive therapy because I had outbreak after outbreak due to being stressed. Even taking valtrex I still feel like I'm gonna have an outbreak. Hope to hear from someone!

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