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Posts posted by hap

  1. I've been on a daily antiviral since I was diagnosed about 2 months ago. According to a blood test I still haven't developed the antibodies. Maybe because I'm on the antivirals? Anyways I stopped taking the medication about a week ago and now I'm starting to have an outbreak.


    What is everyone's opinion about using medication daily vs medication just during an outbreak vs no medication at all? I've heard some people just ride it out which lets the body build up better defenses to the virus than if I were to medicate. That way my outbreaks maybe less frequent in the future.



  2. Okay so here is my next question... Before I mentioned how my doctor still noticed tiny tiny little red spots that I could not even see. The sores are not opened and I think they went away before they ever turned into anything more like a full blown herpes sore. If those red spots are there but I don't notice them and then have sex, what are the risks of transmission? I realize that there is always a risk but what is the relative risk to when I am not having an outbreak? I'm just worried that I will miss when I'm having an outbreak and then put my partner at risk.

  3. I am 22 year old female and I was recently infected with herpes and have had my first outbreak for about two weeks now.


    I also just started seeing someone who I've been friends with for a few months and am now romantically interested in. I informed him that I have herpes and he was so accepting and kind. I am so thankful that he accepted me but I'm worried about knowing when it's okay to have sex.


    When I look down there, everything looks fine. However, when I saw my doctor she said she could still see a few tiny red spots/bumps. Even when I look now I can't see them. The fact that I can't recognize these tiny sores makes me nervous about accurately identifying when I am having a very mild outbreak. The only thing I notice is a mild itch.


    So can I have sex if there are no sores but it is itchy down there? Will it be itchy for a long time since I've just recently been infected? Note: I plan on using condoms and I am on a daily anti-viral since my partner is negative for herpes.


    This is a really fast turn around time to be diagnosed with herpes and then be starting a new relationship. Please advise me if I am rushing into having sex. I don't want to put my new partner at risk.

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