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Posts posted by pilarnusa

  1. Hello beautiful people


    The usual controversy.....when is it really safe to kiss again after a breakout on your lips?

    It would be great to hear some insights since i have been trying to explain to my gf that is safe a this point 10 days later

    But because still a bit red she is not comfortable with it.

    She also has herpes but asymptomatic genital type 2.


    Thanks for any info!!

  2. Hello all, my gf just found out she has herpes HV2 genital, and I have hv1 oral... is there any change i gave her herpes?

    does the virus mute at all converting from HV1 to HV2 when is in contact with genital area? or remains the same hv1 and it wasn't me?


    thanks for any info you can provide


  3. Hello,

    First of all I thank the creator of this website for bringing so much information to the community.


    I have no heard about any of the struggles people suffer when they are diagnosed with Herpes.


    Since I know this is a site to support people with the virus, I ask your permission to post a question since the person affected is not me, is someone that started dating recently.


    She has type2, and I was wondering, I have cold sores pretty often so I am assuming that I have type 1, since my doctor told me I was going to get cold sores for life due to a immune deficiency in my early twenties... I am 42 now.


    The question itself is, lest say In the worse case scenario.. I perform oral sex to her.(no dental dam). and she transmit the type 2 to me,

    these type will appear as a cold sore or will travel to my genitals?

    I know this could sound like stupid question, but honestly I have not clue of how this works...


    I want her to be happy and have a fulfilled sex life .. she really is a wonderful person

    thanks for any support you would like to share with me.



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