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Posts posted by startinganew22

  1. I am currently 3 months into taking Acyclovir as a suppressive. It has worked wonders! No H symptoms at all.


    However... I did suffer from a sort of all-over "hives" like situation for about a month. I suspected it to be an allergic reaction to Acyclovir, but thankfully it went away. So I do think people can be allergic to antivirals, and I do know that one has worked better for people than the other. I hope acyclovir works better for you!

  2. Having sex carries a risk, period. We never think anything bad will happen, but most of us end up learning the hard way that that isn't true!


    I understand the anger towards your giver. It's natural. You didn't ask for this. My giver literally LIED to me. He claimed he was tested and didn't have it, but I found out later he had known the entire time. Not only did he give this to me, but he made me feel completely alone in this, too! And then he dumped me... I was angry at first. Actually, I was fucking furious. Then I realized that this was for life. This was ME now. My anger was not hurting him in any way whatsoever. He has moved on with his life. However "unfair" that is, me harboring resentment would only hurt ME. This is not his problem, it's mine.


    If you really feel like there are things you need to say to him, write him a letter. Let it out. You can choose to send it to him or not, but sometimes just getting EVERYTHING out can be healing. I truly hope that one day you can come to peace with this. You deserve to love yourself unconditionally.

  3. What an ASS. Seriously, someone who has been with your for that long and plans to be forever should have more compassion. It definitely sounds like he is the source of your herpes, but i'm not sure he will ever hear that. Honestly, it seems like herpes is the least of your worries. Or actually, a blessing in that it's showing you the true person you are married to..

  4. About a month post-dx, I was having pretty frequent and rigorous sex (no condom, no antivirals). The sex never triggered an OB, and neither has masturbation, but other things have (period).... I think it just takes awhile for shit to calm down. I truly don't think your sex life is "forever changed". It's an adjustment period now for sure, but it shouldn't always be like this. Try to be patient and not assume the worst!

  5. Hey @bent_notbroken , we share ages and Herpes birthdays! lol.


    Bethany, i'm sorry to hear your guilt over the married man and his wife. But do you know it wasn't HIM who gave it to you? It's possible this was an existing problem unbeknowst to them... Anyways, I totally relate to seeing the 'blessing' in this, because I didn't love myself either. I hadn't been making the best choices in the past year and a half, and this has made me step back and realize that I truly WANT to treat myself better. It's a slow process, but at least i'm starting it! Feel free to hit me up anytime. Friends are what get us through this!

  6. I was diagnosed with GH almost 5 months ago. I, too, felt like my world had ended. My mother was the first person I told when I found out. When I had stopped crying so hard and could actually tell her what was wrong, the first thing she said was, "Oh, that's it? We can handle that." She talked me down from the ledge and tried to tell me how NOT a big deal it really was. She even told me how many of her friends also have it (quite a lot). Once I got past the initial outbreak (which was admittedly very painful), I realized she was right. In just a short amount of time, it has gone from feeling like the end of the world to being a minor annoyance at worst and something I often forget about at best.


    I would encourage your daughter to sign up here. Hard facts and seeing just how NORMAL this is will help her, I promise. The more I read about others' experiences and the realities of this infection, the less scared I became. As for you, I would suggest you try and NOT approach this as a scary/earth-shattering/evil thing. She will feel that from you and it will not help her state of mind. Being calm, rational and normalizing this will do your daughter wonders. It WILL be okay.

  7. I'm 24 and roughly 6 months into this whole new H+ life. I COMPLETELY understand the initial devastation. I cried for 3 days straight after I found out. I didn't know how I could ever think about anything else ever again. It felt like Herpes ruled my life and always would.


    Then, some time passed. My symptoms died down, I had sex again, I stopped thinking about herpes so much. I resumed my normal life and now I rarely think about it. Sure, it'll always be there. You'll remember sometimes. Sometimes it will pop its annoying head up and say "Hey! Remember me?!" But other than that, this is NOT the end of the world like it feels to you right now. This is not a big deal. It will not always be terrible. You are still the same person. You can still do the same things.


    Just let a little bit of time pass. I promise you you will be in a better head space a couple months from now.

  8. I REALLY question if those people who claimed to "know better" really did. Honestly, not one person I know of really knows these things about Herpes unless they actually have it and have done the research themselves. Otherwise, how WOULD you know? General society sure isn't putting out accurate information. So I am a bit hesitant to believe them. And like someone said above, if they truly did know easy it is to contract and how widespread it is, why would they be so callous about it?

  9. I commented on this yesterday, but I guess it got deleted. I know EXACTLY what you mean by the "cactus needle" feeling. I always thought it felt like someone was pulling hairs out one by one. I was diagnosed at the end of December and had that prickly feeling almost daily, except for only 2 weeks where I felt completely normal. I believe I've only had one sore since my initial OB, but that damn prickly feeling was never-ending. I was trying to avoid being on suppression meds but a few weeks ago I finally gave in. I've been taking acyclovir 400 mg/2x daily and haven't had any issues since (thank god).


    They do say that the first year is the worst. I plan on coming off the meds in ~6 months and seeing if things have calmed down by then. I hope that holds true for you!

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