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Posts posted by onelongnightmare

  1. TL;DR

    Had sex with a girl (who has genital herpes) almost every Friday since late April (2-3 times a night). Last Friday, condom broke (I was wearing boxers, which were wet from her clear fluids) and I felt itchiness and a tingly sensation around my scrotum, anus region, butt, inner thighs, and sometimes on my penis, and occasionally, just itchiness, on calves, knees, back, feet, near armpits and the next morning


    I now know that it can only be transmitted from skin to skin contact. My doctor told me there were no signs of STD's. Believe me, there was nothing else I wanted to hear more. I told him about the tingly sensation, but he can't explain why that is. I also know that it takes at at least 24 hours before symptoms appear. I saw some new..I think sores on my inner thighs. Am I allowed to post pictures of it on here to get your guys opinion? Maybe I went in for the checkup too early


    Did you find out what it was?

  2. Hi again guys, I know I've been posting a lot of questions, but I'm new!


    I have a very bad happen of picking at hangnails to the point where they are open cuts. Of course, I was just recently diagnosed this week, so I wasn't aware I even had herpes or I would have been more careful about hygiene and my hangnails. However, I am almost positive I developed herpetic whitlow in my right index finger.


    A couple questions:

    1. My prescribed my Valtrex on Tuesday (two pills, twice a day), which I finished Friday morning. There are two refills listed. Should I fill another prescription for my finger? Should I go to urgent care tomorrow morning?


    2. I was wondering about experiences with herpetic whitlow. It's painful at the point of the outbreak (kind of near my nail), but there is also some pain at the base of my finger and another tender area at the base of my hand (kind of like a bruise), is this symptomatic of herpetic whitlow?


    Thank you for the feedback.


    Did your whitlow reoccur? How do you keep from spreading it to others? Do you keep it covered even when there is no blister? Is the skin on your hands always shedding since it is infected?

  3. I've been thinking about that lately, from the other side of the gender wall. Here's some thoughts or experiences..


    The first time I noticed signs of hsv was my middle finger's cuticle. I bite my nails sometimes and must've had a skin tear on my middle finger. It went below, and appeared infected a few days later. Herpetic whitlow is the term. So I guess be careful of cuts on his hands.. I don't think it's particularly easy to catch though. Not sure why it all happened so quickly to me.


    Some people seem to say it offers no extra protection or removes any intimacy, but I've considered wearing underwear during sex to cover surrounding areas. TMI: My OBs aren't on the penis, it's the area above that I want to block.


    Friction and moisture in the areas where you have OBs will probably trigger more so if possible use positions that give those parts a rest?


    I'm actually newer than you, so maybe I'm just stating the obvious ones.. Look forward to reading other suggestions though.


    How often do you get outbreaks? Is the skin on your hands always shedding? Or just during an outbreak? Do you always keep it covered? Have you come into contact with anyone with your hands?

  4. I am all in on this discussion. Like Sill88, have HSV2 herpetic whitlow on my left middle finger, but have had no symptoms downstairs. My finger OB was wicked severe (primary exposure according to my doctor). Just trying to get a handle on what we can do. I have disclosed and she seemed ok. She asked a few questions and I answered the best I could.


    Things are going well so far and I know she is wanting to get more intimate (oral for sure). I am just scared as what we can do.


    How often do you get outbreaks? Is the skin on your hands always shedding? Or just during an outbreak? Do you always keep it covered? Also, did you have a cut on your hand when you contracted it?



  5. @Sil88,

    Finger is pretty much all healed. >30 days out and still no genital symptoms. Have been in constant talk with my Dr. and he is still stating I have a localized HSV-2 infection (confirmed with blister culture). In my previous posts I had severe symptoms in my finger and no additional symptoms anywhere else. So it would seem that my finger was first time infection which my Dr. stated is almost never asymptomatic.


    How did you contract whitlow? Did you have a cut on your finger at the time? Was your partner having an outbreak?

  6. Does suppressive therapy cut down on ORAL shedding?


    I was diagnosed with both oral and genital hsv (still don't know which type) this past December.


    I've had two sores on my lips including my primary outbreak and no genital outbreak besides my primary.


    My partner is HSV negative but I would like to share oral sex with him.


    Also, if I am on suppressive therapy and I feel prodrome does that mean I need to avoid intimacy? Or is the antivirals still working to reduce shedding even with prodrome?

  7. @fitgirl @JessikaRabbit89 Thanks for replying ladies. My other concern is my boyfriend touching my genital area. He tried to last night and I shoved him off of me to check his cuticles. Talk about ruining the mood. :( He's H negative and I don't want to spread it to his hands.


    Also, if it's spread through vaginal fluid and saliva does this mean he can't come in contact with any of my fluids?

  8. @fitgirl Thanks for replying! I keep reading about how risky it is to come in contact with skin that's shedding with microscopic cuts on the hands. Ones we are not even aware of. Same applies to someone else touching H+ person genitals with their hands.


    I see many people posting threads about getting the virus in a completely new area like their hands or face/neck/chest after years of having it. How does this happen if the body has already produced antibodies to prevent autoinoculation? I hope someone can answer this.


    I suspect that regardless of how many antibodies we have, our bodies cannot protect us if we have cuts such as on the hands. It's a direct entrance with fluid.

    And thanks for the rec, I'll check it out!

  9. If the virus is always shedding, what will happen if vaginal fluids coming in contact with my hands when there are no sores? Masturbating with open sores during an outbreak is out of the question.


    Does this mean I should wear gloves since masturbation involves rubbing of skin to skin?


    I read autoinoculation is rare after the first outbreak but what about when there are small cuts in the hand? Isn't that always a possibility?


    During sex I like to use my hands for vaginal stimulation. Is that not possible anymore? I am afraid of vaginal fluid entering through microscopic cuts or dry skin on my hands.


    Any answers would be greatly appreciated.

  10. @Cecibuendia How long have you had HSV? Have you been to an opthalmologist for your eyes? I went yesterday and the doctor told me it's allergies. Which I don't believe. I never had dry eyes before. I KNOW it is connected to me contracting HSV a month ago. How is your vision? Has there been any damage? How often do you get an outbreak and do your eyes always feel dry from the outbreak? The opthalmologist checked my cornea and there was no damage but that's not to say if it keeps recurring on my eyes that I will be fine.


    @Aliveandwell No, I'm not on any antivirals currently. Aside from my first outbreak, I have not had another. I find it odd it's only in one eye - which is a major sign that it's viral. Allergies would mean both eyes are affected.

  11. Has anyone experienced ocular herpes? I've had severe dry eye feeling in my right eye for a month ever since I've contracted HSV. I've read about ocular herpes and how severe it is. But I find it hard to believe that the symptoms in my eye are not related. The dryness comes and goes and it was particularly painful when I had a cold sore. I also got a small stye on my eyelid.

  12. @WCSDancer2010 Do blisters on the mouth get better and less recurrent over time? I've read genital outbreaks are the most severe in the first year. Is that the same case with oral hsv?


    Have there been any studies to show if hsv (oral and genital) sheds less over time? If so, how long? My boyfriend (hsv negative) has been asking when we can be intimate and I want to make sure I protect him by taking all necessary precaution. How long do you think I should wait?


    The first four months is so the body can build antibodies. Do you recommend abstaining from sex in those first four months to prevent autoinnoculating?


    Thank you, Dancer!

  13. I don't know why my left ear feels warm/hot every other day. Along with my head tingling around that area. Is this prodromal signs of oral hsv? I haven't heard of anyone's ears burning - this is very scary because I know hsv can travel to the brain. :(


    Also, is it typical for lymph nodes to swell during recurring outbreaks? The lymph node in my groin swelled up but I didn't get any bumps. And the lymph nodes under my jaw swelled up and I got a blister on my lip. I thought lymph node swelling was mostly typical of initial outbreaks? I'm afraid this could be something else and that's why my lymph nodes continue to swell.



  14. @WCSDancer2010 You're a life saver! I engaged in oral sex with him (only gave. did not receive but his saliva did get on my genitals. He also used protection (but i am aware that doesn't cover all bases) I am fairly certain the HW is from me coming in direct contact with his genitals during oral sex. Which leads me to my next question...


    How likely is it that I have hsv2 in all three places? I haven't had any recurrences in the past month until this blister showed up on my lip last night.

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