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Posts posted by Cecilia222

  1. I am 52 and newly divorced. I began a new relationship, unprotected sex, and when I realized that he was not concerned with STDs because I had been married for 22 years I began to worry. I don't think my ex was faithful and when I had myself tested I was positive for HSV2. I had been tested for the others STDs, all negative, but not HSV2. I told my new guy who was probably not into a long term relationship himself given that he is also newly single. We are awaiting his results but mostly I want him to be negative. I know this will end our relationship and I'm sad given that he is otherwise a wonderful guy. It's so frustrating since I've been rejected by the man who promised to love me forever and now (probably) by a man who doesn't need these complications right now. All I can see is a long, long lonely life staring me in the face. I get tearful in the morning and at night tho when I'm busy during the day things are OK. I have a great life, 2 great kids, I was just thinking I could have a love life too until now.

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