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Posts posted by Days_mommy

  1. @kender did u have a blood test or a swab? because i finally got my.results and was told it was only hsv1 but since it wasnt a swab i already knew i.have cold sores so i didnt know what to think.. I've had it since i was 17 and im 22 I've had one cold sore that was bad...I've. had two other both of which werent vad. but thats all. however i didnt have some sores down below and the doctor tried to tell me it was a yeast infectiom which can crack.the skin..idk what to believe but i guess dont panic until u see evidence. :-) :-)

  2. i got my results. but my doctor has to rerun the tests because the lab combined the report and it came.back as (Positive: Herpes 1/2) and my doctor said because they did that he doesnt know which one it is..and he said because i already have oral hsv1 that it might just ve that..we did a pap smear today...but he eas looking at what i.thought was a breakout and he told me it looks like a skin infection?? he said it looks like cracked skin for some reason..but he's re running the tests and seperated the data this time..as for now.he said the redness and cracking looks like a skin infection..


  3. actually..warts r not harmless...the cryotherapy u go through involves about ten needles going n ur nether region for numbing..which hurts worse than child.birth btw...and then the doctor starts cutting and burning them off..they bleed for days..its awful..that experiwnce made me.never wish this on anyone.

  4. So i know this might sound weird..idk how anyone else's households worked growing up..but i always took baths w a parent until i was three. i did the same thing with my son..however lately its been showers..and as far as i know I've nnever had bumps down there until this month..which we've only taken one or two showers and no baths..


    so my main question is... bath time is over now right? and how likely would him getting it be? its not like is been a skin contact thing..just bathtime.

  5. i read.this story..and i was confused..i guess..

    because I'll be honest..i didn't call the hpv giver.and search for an apology or try to get him..i was pissed and i never spoke to him again..because he knew..

    and i will never tell my son's father that most.likely he gave me herpes..because i never plan on goi.g back.. i would say move on..because someone who doesnt get tested regularly..or even co.sider the odd sensation of a blister..idk just dont waste your time. you seem too nice..

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