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Posts posted by Clark5677

  1. Thank you @herandnow. Are these oils I can buy at most stores or do I need to go to a store like gnc or vitamin shop? I have had issues with chronically chapped lips (assuming this is caused by the herpes?) so I will try the lysine shop stick as well. Most chap sticks haven't helped me much. Maybe the chapped lips aren't helping my outbreaks either

  2. Thank you @WCSDancer2010 you've helped ease my mind a bit! Yes I did start a new job in May of last year, and my diet has not been good the last few years. I'm sure that isn't helping at all. I will try some of the vitamins you listed and finally clean up my diet and hope for the best. I of course got myself paranoid thinking something else was going on. The constant outbreaks and cosmetic worries of course adds to my stress level :(

  3. Hey everyone. This is my first time posting. I've had oral herpes for over 10 years now and I've been able to live with it fine but recently I've had some worrisome outbreaks. I contracted herpes when I was in about 7th grade from sharing drinks food etc from a friend who had cold sore outbreaks pretty frequently (never realized what it was at that age). Since then I've always gotten what you would consider very mild outbreaks in the corners of my mouth only (almost looked more like angular chelitis). Over the years the breakouts have become less frequent (maybe once or twice a year at most), but about 6 months ago I started getting breakouts one after the other. Then at the end of October, not only was I getting them in the corners of my mouth, but my entire lower lip had a horrible breakout. IF I hadn't known any better it almost looked like this would have been someone's initial breakout of herpes, it was that bad. Since then I've been breaking out in a spot here and there one after the other (no longer the corners of my mouth). So I guess what I'm getting at here is what's going on? I don't understand why the herpes has spread to a different part of my mouth and why I'm getting break outs one after the other? Hoping someone here can help me. Sorry for the log winded post :(

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