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Posts posted by HBH

  1. I haven't been on this site in 2 years. No outbreaks that entire time. I forget I have it until I feel it. So, here I am having an outbreak. It's in a different spot and I woke up this morning with tenderness and swelling in my groin area on the same side as the outbreak. I have a lot of muscular problems unrelated and at first I thought what is this new hell. Then I pieced it together. Swelling, redness, infection, lymph node, herpes!!! That's what led me back here and apparently this is normal. I've been on Valtrex and decided to take a break. I'm under a lot of stress with a cross country move, quitting my job, my boyfriend already moved, I've been getting other viruses like bronchitis for 2 months. It's a wonder I'm mentally and emotionally sane but my body is taking a hit. Not even 24 hours off Valtrex and I felt the outbreak. Did I mention I'm also starting my menstrual cycle, another outbreak trigger. Makes me wonder if I would have had an outbreak regardless of stopping the Valtrex. Thanks for reading. I needed to share. I love this site so much. It has helped me tremendously on this journey. ❤

  2. I can't find the thread where I talked about my fear of disclosing so am tagging in here since some of you were on that thread too. I disclosed to a guy who I had dated for 5 weeks without much physical contact but an awesome emotional and spiritual connection. I want that now. A real relationship with emotional intimacy. Anyway, he asked a couple questions, got turned on by me citing statistics and the rest is one great story after another. I'm so happy and grateful for this site. I referred him to this site and he felt a lot better about the situation after checking it out in the days after I told him. Thanks all!! ❤️

  3. I needed to read this right now. I've been dating a guy for 4 weeks and it weighs on me almost every minute that I will have to tell him someday. I want to get it over with and tell him sooner rather than later. I have a lot of great support in my life telling me to wait that it's not time yet. I just don't want to get more invested and attached to have him walk away. On the other hand, we're just getting to know each other and maybe we won't want to be together in 2 weeks anyway. I will have told him for nothing. The conflict is slowly killing me. I almost want to break it off just to avoid the whole thing. Ouch.

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