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Posts posted by taurus_lady

  1. Thank you Adrial. and everyone else who has replied. I guess it just comes down to.....I can be ok with the fact that I have this all day long. Its not even on my mind, unless I meet someone, and then know that the "talk" will have to be done before too long....Its not that I am ashamed, and I sure as hell don't feel dirty....I guess it all comes down to rejection. the last two awesome guys that I felt INTENSE connections with.....they couldn't handle the 'what if I contract it" scenario. We are all still friends, but I only end up with a bruised ego, and a sad heart.

  2. Hello there humour!

    To answer one of your questions (I feel the one that was the best question) I have had numerous outbreaks my first year in, but I wasn't really taking the BEST care of the situation (ie diet, natural remedies) the outbreaks, for me, come a lot less than what they did. I still have them, but not as often eat better, I don't stress as much as I used to, I take my valtrex everyday, and I try to be as healthy as I can. I hope this helped.


    Also, ty for sharing your story. It is a horrible feeling to go through that alone. I was lucky to have had a friend (she had GH before I did, and got it from a bf that didn't disclose) and another friend who did their best to be there (I didn't put that in my post when I told my story) life got better. Its much better today. I promise it gets easier. If you ever have to talk, there are a lot of people who are very helpful and express such kindness.. you definitely aren't alone on here lol. Best wishes and hugs

  3. Thanks for the kind words Brenda!! I shared this because I feel like my words could be helpful to others who may be feeling this way right now. Ya know, even though its a scary thing, and you think your life is over, it isn't!! I don't let this little skin condition get in my way.


    I recently had a baby girl (7 1/2 months ago lol) and when I told her dad about it, he was fine (we are no longer together though) he never contracted it (obvious it was unprotected, I had a baby lol) the one thing that stuck out was that he was ok with it. I made sure we were both tested for std's (other than what I had already)


    When I gave birth, I, also, did not pass it on to my daughter (so verrrry thankful for that) I just want people to know that this condition doesn't have to run their life for the worst.


    Merry christmas to all!

  4. I am new to the forum, but am not so new to having H. I have just hit my two year mark since I have contracted H, and believe me it hasn't always been such an easy road. I can come to terms with the fact that I have it, and that my life has changed (but not for the worst) I did think my life was over, at first, I hated myself, I felt dirty, and all of that. So here's how it happened


    I met this, what seemed to be, awesome guy. We hung out, had some drinks, and had a good time being in each others company. We got into the heat of the moment.....but at the last moment (before we went all the way) I decided I didn't want to do it (he wasn't wearing a condom) I told him no, and to stop. He didn't. He ended up going all the way. I'm sure we all know what happens from there, right? I felt ashamed, and that it was my fault it had happened. What's worse, he asked me oh-so non-chalantly "do you have the 'herps?. I felt like, even though I told him no, I could have done more to stop it....therefore I had to be part of the blame. I thought if I went to the police to file a report, they would just scoff at me and tell me I shouldn't have gotten into that predicament in the first place.


    I know now that it wasn't my fault. That he should have known that when someone says no, or stop, that it means to stop whatever you're doing.


    After the fact, when I had my first outbreak, I tried talking with him about what I had gotten from him. He just made me out to be some easy floozy that's gets around, and that he doesn't have that dirty shit. He then blocked all communications from me. It was heartbreaking, and I was devistated. I felt alone, and betrayed.


    But there is a plus side to this story! I learned more about myself than I thought I knew. I am much more cautious when it comes to the people I see, and make it a point (if it comes to a sexual situation) that I tell that person about my sexual history. I've made better decisions, and awesome changes. I don't let this little skin condition get me down. Think about it like this....'it could always be worse'


    Thanks for listening. Maybe this helped some people out.

  5. I understand how you feel bella. I've had this fro almost 2 years now. I went through those similar feelings: dirty, unwanted, unloved. I contracted it from a guy who took advantage of me. He didn't understand what the word no meant. He completely denied he even had it, and went to make me feel like the one who was completely dirty. I believed that for such a long time. He went through on changing his number, and blocking contact with me shortly after. I should have pressed charges on him when I had the chance, but with my fear of being scoffed at, I did nothing. I even lost a potential boyfriend over it. I liked that guy a lot, and the rejection hurt more than I could say. However, I look back on it and take it as a life changing experience. I have found many people who could accept the fact that I have H. I have also encountered people who can't accept it. You will find both kinds of people. I know how you're feeling right now. But I do hope you will find inspiration from this forum. If not from my words, from someone else's words.

    Take care sweetie.

  6. There really isn't anything I could consider being "too open" when people are upset, its better to open up and let it out.


    What I will say first, you never knew about contracting herpes from John. Shame on him for not telling you he had herpes to begin with. People like that still make me ill. I feel for you, knowing that's how it happened.


    Second, this isn't a death sentance, and your life surely isn't over. I promise you that. Don't you dare feel 'dirty' or 'diseased' over this. I know its new to you...but I promise things get better. Julian sounds as though he is pretty upset, but know you did not intentionally give him HSV2

    Things may work out, or they may not. But no matter the outcome, life goes on.....and I know happiness can be found.


    This isn't something you should end your life over, neither is it worth ending your life over a guy. We make mistakes, and we grow and learn from them.

    If you ever need to talk, I'll be happy to talk to ya :)



  7. I'm not new to having the talk....although I am new to this forum.


    I'm sure we all have been rejected for our skin condition (which is basically what it is) I just have a hard time deciphering when it is too soon or not. I refuse to pass it along, so I tell all potential partners. I don't know if I should do it before any emotional attachment gets involved, or if I should let a little attachment get involved. Any advice is greatly appreciated

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