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Posts posted by Mani9783

  1. I'm not sure where the .04% comes from. I've read through thus article a few times, and it pretty clearly states that 1.9% of all participants taking meds transmitted the virus. The rate of transmission to a female partner from a male partner was higher, at 3.3% And transmission among people who had the virus less than two years was 3.1%. How long have you had the virus? Because if it's less than two years, that's a double whammy. Certainly, adding condoms reduced transmission. But they did not reduced it to .04%. The closest statistic to that is that .5% became symptomatic. And this is just one study. Unfortunately there are not a lot of studies that really get into this. And use caution when using one research study to make any decision. Especially a decision that is not yours alone.


    .04 is a typo.. it's .4


    Here's the part in that article about .4:

    "As the data prove, the results suggest that the chance of the uninfected partner becoming infected is reduced from 8 incidences per 220 couples that nearly always wore condoms but NO Valtrex (about a 4% chance overall) to 1 incidence in 223 couples that nearly always wore condoms and Valtrex WAS taken daily (about a 0.4% chance)."



    What if you have Ghsv1? Do you think condoms + antivirals lowers it even more?

  2. After growing out my pubic hair and not shaving for at least 4 or 5 months I am speculating I really messed up by doing this. Iv'e heard people say to not shave if you have herpes down there since you can transmit it easily. I am a 32 yr old male who is on suppresive therapy and my gf waxes down there. I should also mention that I was diagnosed with genital type 1 , and I am 5 months into this infection. Should I wait for everything to grow back again before I have sex with her ? Should I wait it out? I trimmed down there but I don't have much pubic hair and I was careful when I did it. No cuts or anything.


    Any comments or personal experience would really help at this point. Thank you

  3. Thank you so much for giving me peace of mind. Although I feel I shouldn't be on antivirals because I haven't had an outbreak since my initial one ,I feel like it is my responsibility to not transfer it to my partner. This has helped me out so much. I hope I don't get an outbreak if when I decide to stop taking them but I will keep my fingers crossed.

  4. If she doesn't have HSV1 orally, there *is* a small risk she could get it through oral sex, but again, odds are she's kissed plenty of people (through her whole life) who had it orally already so if you look at it that way, if anything with the lower shedding oral sex is safer than kissing someone who has HSV1 orally LOL


    Yes...... most people get genital HSV1 from oral sex because it sheds a lot more in the area around the mouth...


    As for her being on BC and whether you use condoms ... I'll tell you what I tell EVERY man out there ... you don't want to be a baby-daddy? Wrap it before you tap it! I don't care that she's on BC... shit goes wrong every day with BC and BC babies are born every day (I know, my granddaughter is a BC baby ... and while I love her dearly, and my daughter loves her dearly, she HAS made life a lot more difficult for her as she's still, at 29, trying to get her BS degree in between having a job to feed them both and caring for her) ... so my advice is to use condoms until you are at least a strong enough couple to deal with things *if* the BC fails... because whether she understands it or not, the majority of the burden almost always falls on the woman in these situations ....



    Lol thank you so much! Lol @ wrap it before you tap it. I also plan on taking L-lysine so hopefully it can help a bit. Thanks so much you been so much help.


  5. Thank you Grace! Since she is on the pill she doesn't want me to use protection. I know I have probably asked this before but are the odds still low around 2% ?.


    What if I was to receive oral sex without wearing protection would do the odds go up? or stay the same ?


    So it's more likely for someone to get genital herpes by oral hsv1 rather than genital to genital ? since Ohsv1 sheds more days than Ghsv1?


    Once again thank you so much!

  6. I am a male into my 6th month after being diagnosed with Ghsv1. I started dating and I know it's about to get physical with this female I am seeing. I started my first dose of acyclovir yesterday night. How infectious am I since it has not been a full year ? I haven't had an outbreak since my initial one. Has anybody transmitted while being on antivirals for Ghsv1? Thank you very much.

  7. I stopped talking to my giver which Is my ex gf. I made the decision to cut her out of my life completely when she mentioned to me suddenly that she remembered months after I was diagnosed that she had a cold sore inside of her mouth when she gave me oral sex. This made me furious knowing that she could of told me this since the beginning, but decided to wait 3 months to tell me this. She probably thought it was better to wait and tell me since I had already accepted the fact I had Hsv1. Well, who knows if she knew she had oral herpes, but ever since she told me that I got more upset than when I initially found out I was positive for gsvh1. Honestly, I wasn't even mad and forgave her because I thought she didn't know she had it. However, the fact she waited months to tell me is what pissed me off. It seems she knew all along she was the one who gave it to me, and couldn't tell me when it had just happened. Of course it was weeks full of stress, anxiety and wasting money on all types of testing.


    I even called two ex gfs of mine and told them to get tested. I just don't buy it after all the information I gave to her about the virus and right there and then she could of told me she had something going on in her mouth, but out of the blue she remembered lol. I just don't buy it.

    She messages me everyday trying to talk to me but I just ignore her. It might not sound it is right, but the truth is if she would of said something from the beginning prior to getting oral sex then I wouldn't be here right now. I am with a new gf and I told her everything that happened. She accepts me for who I am and not because I got ghsv1. In a way I feel bad for my ex gf because as bad as it sounds I just don't see her getting with anyone since she is already a liar and a problematic person. I should of been forgiving but I found out she cheated on me several times with different men.


    I am always trying to be positive but in the back of my mind I know I have it. Personally I believe its just a matter of time for a vaccine or a more effective approach to cut down sheding transmission to come out to the public. I wouldn't mind taking antivirals until they come out with something good. I know the silent treatment might sound awful but I believe she deserves it for being shady and dishonest.

  8. I have searched everywhere and it seems there isn't any documented cases on discordant couples aside from the valtrex study in 2004. I am not only referring to genital type 2 but type 1 as well. I have type 1 and plan on getting on supression therapy to protect my partner. Any stories? from anybody that has caught this or any personal experience? I don't plan on using condoms and plan on getting on suppresive. Thank you.

  9. Thanks so much. I was thinking of getting on suppresive therapy just to protect my gf. I don't even care if I;m all zoned out all the time and feel like crap lol . Iv'e had this for 3 months now I know I am shedding more than usual since my body hasn't built up 100% antibodies and I am most contagious now. Correct me If I am wrong but since Ghsv1 sheds only 3 to 5% of the time and if I was to get on antivirals then it would reduce it to 1.5 -2.5 % ? I know antivirals reduce shedding by half so that's how I came up with that. If i use condoms then that would reduce it by another 40 to 50%? . The reason I ask is because I am going probably not going to wear a condom if i receive oral sex , sorry to be so graphic but I am just being honest. This is why I am thinking of getting on antivirals.

  10. I am curious to know how hard is it to transmit Genital type 1 to my partner (non h) mouth oral if I was to receive oral sex without protection with no lesions on my penis ? Is there any rates or anybody that has experience with this? Also, if say the risk is up there, is it worth getting on antivirals? Thank you.

  11. Is there any proof that antivirals also helps reduce genital hsv1 shedding? I've looked everywhere and just haven't seen any info on this. Is there anybody in here that has type 1 and uses it succesfully in order to not pass it genitally to their partners? I am going to get intimate very soon and wanted info on this as I would like to protect my partner. Iv'e had genital type 1 for 2 months and a half now.


    I've heard it's not recommended, but does anybody know the percentages it would cut off the shedding, thank you very much .

  12. Thank you all for your personal opinions. I already disclosed and she said it was cool. She gets cold sores when the weather changes on her lips so I am imagining that is oral hsv1? She said we could do all the testing we want and I told her the risk was low. She suggested we can go talk to a professional so he can answer all of our questions. I just hope the risk is very low how they say lol. I don't want to give her this at all.

  13. Hello everybody, I am in a new relationship with a great woman who I really care about at this point in my life and she has mentioned she gets cold sores when the weather changes from time to time. Is it safe to say that she has oral hsv1? My concern is if I should even disclose I have genital hsv1. What are the odds I can transmit the virus genitally?


    I know this might be a moral question but at this point should I disclose? is there any studies where one partner doesn't pass on genital herpes to their oral positive hsv1 partner?


    Thank you very much.

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