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Posts posted by Krose101

  1. Hello everyone!


    It has been nearly a year since my original diagnosis. I am currently suffering from my second worst outbreak, comparable only to my primary outbreak. As I have been struggling this past week, I have realized that so many others out there have been exactly in my shoes. Or maybe some of you have just been diagnosed. Regardless of your situation, I would like to give some words of encouragement to everyone.


    When I had my first OB, I had been with my fiancé and no one else for over a year. I was so scared he would think I had cheated on him. When the doctor diagnosed me, he was basically the greatest man ever. He insisted he was probably the person who gave it to me. He said that whatever life threw at us, we could handle it. He went through all of the STD testing. When his came back negative, I felt pretty empty inside. I thought he would leave me and not put himself at risk anymore. He listened patiently to the doctor explain that herpes can live for years in your system without you having ay symptoms. He Listened to all our options and statistics on the chances of him catching my condition. He learned every positive and negative point. Yet, for some stupid reason, he still wants to marry me. I am sure many people out there are struggling with the thought that no one may ever love you or want you knowing about your condition. I just want to say that that is far from the truth. When a man (or woman) cares about you, who you are inside, they will not care about this stupid little condition. They will gladly take precautions to keep themselves safe and pain-free. And your relationship will be so much stronger because of it.


    Right now, I would like to give a few pointers. Please keep in mind that I am a woman so I cant say for sure how these might affect me. One of the most painful part of an OB is peeing. I have seen so many girls say they do not drink or eat anything because they are so scared of peeing. Do you know why it hurts? It hurts because urine is acidic. It feels like acid on an open wound. It is not fun. The more water you drink, the more watered down your urine is going to be and therefore, the less acidic it will be. PLEASE do not make yourself sicker by not taking care of your body. I know it hurts. So here is some more tips. The only way I could pee during my primary OB is by filling a tub of water and urinating under water. This is similarly the same effect- the urine will be greatly diluted immediately, and also will not run all over your sores. If you are in public, this is not the easiest thing. You can fill a bottle of water or a spray bottle and as you urinate, make sure to dump plenty of water over your vagina to dilute the urine. However, the simplest, pain free way to urinate pain free in public is to spread your labia as far as you can stand, lean forward a little, and you will urinate in a nice stream that will not run all over your vagina. Just be sure to wash your hands before and after touching your vagina.


    Here's another weird thing I have picked up on. I know taking a razor to your open sores is the last thing on your list. But if you can keep the wound free of hairs, you will find it a lot more comfortable. I know it sounds strange but any hair you have is going to poke your sores and anytime you move, you will feel that stabbing horrible pain. If you shave it and keep it clean and smooth while the sores heal, you will feel much more comfortable and you will have a lot more mobility, I promise. Its similar to how doctors will shave an area when they perform a surgery or when you get your dog or cat spayed/ neutered.. They want to keep it clear of hairs to minimize risk of infection and allow the easiest healing progression possible.


    I hope this can help just one person! Best wishes everyone.

  2. Saturday I started to have a sore painful chafing feeling down there. I figured it was typical but didn't think anything of it. By Tuesday I noticed blisters developing on my vagina and by Thursday I was in pain, unable to walk or sleep or function without crying. I went to my doc and diagnosed me with a real bad outbreak of herpes.

    The news hit me kinda hard but at the same time mentally, I am coping. I have a wonderful fiancé who has not been tested but is pretty sure he's the one who gave it to me. Honestly I think he is struggling with it more than me because he loves me and never wanted to subject me to this pain.

    I myself am feeling far more concerned about surviving this outbreak. The pain is unbearable. I'm on so much medication I can't stand without puking or feeling dizzy like I'm about to pass out. I took the day off work today which I'm very thankful for because it allows me to take baths and stay as still as possible. However I'm scared to death to go back tomorrow because I can barely stand or move and my job requires me to be on my feet moving around constantly. I'm so scared and sick of crying. I know there is relief in my future but I don't know how much more I can physically take. I've learned that peeing in the bath tub so I'm submersed is the only way to keep me from screaming agonizing pain. However if I go to work tomorrow I will not have anywhere to do this.

    Any advice or words of encouragement would really help right now.

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