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Posts posted by stargirl7

  1. I was diagnosed with GHSV1 in May 2015. Since then, I've only had one other outbreak a couple of months later- September 2015. Other than that, NOTHING. I was with someone for a year, we almost always used condoms, and he never got it. Before that I was with someone else and he didn't get it either.


    I started seeing someone new around 2 months ago. The disclosure talk went really real- but he didn't want to use condoms. I DID ask if we could, and he says never has (we tried- there were a lot of issues with fit that I wouldn't have believed if I hadn't witnessed it myself). He said he understood the risks and it wasn't a big deal to him. I got an IUD not long after that and went on antivirals almost immediately, and even my doctor said considering that I've hardly ever had outbreaks and it had been a while since I'd had my last one, the chances were very low.


    Well, the other day he wakes up and there's a bump. I can hardly remember what mine looked like, but it looks comparable. And it hasn't gone away, and I think it's safe to say we both know what it is. I feel awful- I can't believe I was so dumb about not using condoms. I just really thought the odds were in our favor (I'm definitely not currently having an outbreak!) and I don't understand how it happened. I'm scared maybe the IUD weakened my immune system in some way/ made it more unstable. Either way, he's still been really nice to me about it, doesn't blame me, isn't angry with me, doesn't even seem all that upset. I've told him it's ALRIGHT to be upset- and he says he's "a little bummed" about it but it's not the end of the world to him. I just feel so terrible that I'm the one who did this and I'm really scared it's going to impact our relationship down the line- I'm having a hard time seeing how it can't.


    So has this happened to anyone else? Has anyone else lived with the aftermath of this and it hasn't taken a terrible toll on their relationship? I also keep reiterating that I'm not upset because it's such a terrible thing to have (really- at the end of the day- who cares? It's a pesky skin condition)- but I still feel horrible that I'm the reason it happened to him. I could really use some words of wisdom.

  2. We use condoms. I've been considering going on daily meds to reduce the transmission rate but want to talk to a doctor about it first. I had wanted my body to figure out handling it on it's own but it's obviously different now that someone else has to be considered!


    To be clear, do you mean 7-10 days after taking the meds? As in 7-10 days from now? or 7-10 days after the outbreak?



  3. I was diagnosed with herpes (HSV 1) early this past May- so around 5 months ago. I tried really hard this summer to take care of myself by eating right and working out, hoping to ward off the usual "first year is the worst" conundrum.


    I started seeing someone after my diagnosis and he's really great. He was really understanding about the whole thing and didn't even care, even though he's H-. Unfortunately I had a pretty stressful past couple of weeks and I think, combined with being so paranoid about getting another outbreak in the first place now that I'm seeing someone + having regular sex, I had another outbreak.


    We stopped having sex as soon as I felt like something might be up (so last Saturday). No pain, just what I thought might be my "prodrome" (similar to what I felt the first time).


    I've been on Valtrex since last Monday and was only given a week's supply. The outbreak was super minimal, only 1 sore and one teeny tiny one that I don't even think scabbed over because I started the meds before it got a chance to. I've been feeling fine since Friday and just checked down there as well.. everything seems to be back to normal. My only question is, how long after an outbreak is it safe to have sex again? I feel fine but I know the first year is the most unstable in terms of when you are shedding and I would really love to keep him safe/ H-!

  4. @wcsdancer2010 @ann122 thanks so much! really helpful stuff. That's pretty much what I assumed but I just wanted to get a second opinion. I'm currently not seeing anyone so I'm more worried about figuring out the outbreaks for myself and letting my body adjust so that I can fight this thing whenever it decides to rear it's head again.



  5. I was diagnosed with HSV 1 a few weeks ago and wanted to know what kind of precautions people with it take to prevent OB's and such. I asked my doctor about anti-virals but she said since it's HSV 1 and so by default usually more mild than HSV 2 I didn't "need" to be on supressive medication? She also said it didn't do much to reduce my risk of transmitting it to someone else anyway.


    My questions are:

    -Is she correct about this? Or should I be on suppressive medication, especially seeing as it's my first year? Or should I wait for my body to adjust?

    -What would be the best kind of vitamin supplements/ foods to avoid? Are there any that have definite links to reducing OB's? I read somewhere that Lysine helps. Right now I've just started taking Vitamin B's and C, and working out etc.


    I would appreciate any comments/help! Thanks

  6. Hey!


    I'm 22 and just got diagnosed... Trust me, I understand the thought of "life is over". I can't believe it's happened to me so young when I'm JUST out of college, but I'm trying to look at this as an opportunity to be a stronger, better person.


    I want to get married to, and I've decided I am not going to let this stop me. the worst part about it is the stigma!!! I haven't had the talk with anyone potentially romantic yet (and am sure I will have a panic attack when I do) But i feel like once you get down to the facts of things, it's not that bad. When I had to tell my mom about she freaked out until I explained that


    1) hey, we're not dying

    2) It won't give you anything that can kill you (aka cancer)

    3) It won't make you infertile

    4) you do NOT have it "all the time". You always have the virus, yes, but the actual outbreaks will only happen occasionally.

    5) 1 in 4 (or 5?) people have it. so it's not THAT uncommon


    The worst part about it is how you think about it. If you don't love yourself again first then no one else is going to either. I know it's so cliche but YOU are in charge of your own feelings. If someone isn't going to stick around because of H, then they are probably not a person deserving of you anyway.

  7. Hi everyone,


    I'm a 22 year old female located in New York. I literally just got diagnosed with HSV 1 days before graduating college and it has obviously been a pretty devastating blow at this point in my life.


    I would really love to talk to someone who knows what I'm going through. I'm not picky because I'm getting a little desperate to hear that someone else shares this condition, but it would be cool to get in touch with someone who's had HSV 1 for a few years already and can help me come to grips with what's going to happen.


    Regardless, I would also like to offer my own support! It's been less than a week but I'm already feeling a little better about it and I truly believe the BEST way to overcome the emotional grief is by talking it through with someone who understands.


    Let me know!

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