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Posts posted by Dreamer10

  1. Well again, 80% of the population as oral HSV1... and people generally just live with it... it's a nuisance skin condition. The only thing now is that people who have it need to be educated to be careful with oral sex simply because it's possible to spread it that way... but it doesn't mean you have to stop giving oral. It just means finding out their status and being more careful about not doing anything if either person has any open skin on the face (giver) or genitals (receiver) ....


    And I'm going to tell you something I tell everyone: STAY OFF GOOGLE IMAGES!!!! They post the worst of the worst images there which are likely people with Herpes who were severely immune compromised, so they have a really bad outbreak.


    Again, don't over-protect him and coddle him. Odds are FAR higher he will get it from another kid in his school or whatever. I have a 4 yr old granddaughter and I still kiss her (lightly) unless I think something is going on, in which case I give her a big bear hug and she doesn't know that there's a reason for the huge hug.... ;)


    As for cures: well, we've been promised them for years. There are some studies in the works. But H doesn't kill us, so most research money goes to thing that, in the minds of the medical world, are more urgent like Cancer and COPD and Heart Disease. HIV studies have helped us to understand more about the bodie's immune system with incurable "bugs" so it's possible someone will come up with something, but the FDA is a slow moving slug, so don't hold your breath. There are FAR worse things than having Herpes, believe me. I almost dies from an ectopic pregnancy. When you go through that, it kinda puts this little virus in perspective :)




    Hello, is there an option to private message you!!

  2. Like I said... 60% of kids have cold sores by the time they are adults. The little buggers are walking Petri dishes....


    I DO think fewer kids may be getting them nowadays because adults are better educated so they aren't getting it nearly as much from the doting Auntie with the boo boo on her lip... but also remember that 80% of people don't have symptoms so odds are that more are carrying it than you know ;)


    I just watched a video on here with a doc who has done a lot of research and the asymptomactic shedding portion was helpful. Someone asked about H on inantimate objects and he briefly addressed utensil transmission. Thanks for your support and response!

  3. You know what? I grew up with coldsores - I'm sure I got them from my parents. I am a pretty happy, healthy adult. So continue to try and prevent your kid from getting it from you, but also remember his life will probably not be seriously affected by it if he does get it from you.


    Thanks for that!! I know the stats says otherwise but I only seen one kid with them (plus the father told me he had fever blisters). The responses like this make me feel better


  4. Thanks so much for responding. I read the stats but nobody I know ever says they have it even though I have seen the results of their faces. I see the horrid images in the Internet and I go all crazy, lol. I avoid sharing utensils but kids will pick up stuff before you notice and use it.


    Results were as follow: 1 was 3.43 and 2 was 3.51


    Since finding put I have never had a cold sore, I get tingles but I immediately rub on a Lysine lip balm. As far as 2, same thing never seen a sore but get tingles. My gyno always says she does not see lesions.


    I am glad found this site, it goal to dispel the stigma is awesome.


    I still pray for a cure but it's been around so long that I don't think it will come. I done see many collecting money to find a cure.

  5. I found out in 2012 that I have both HSV1 and HSV2. Like everyone else I was devastated, riddled with shame, heart ache and almost fatalistic. How, why, when, where and WHO were on repeat. I thought about every actions that i had made regarding my son. Had I, could I, had I passed it to him via a kiss. The weekend before hearing the news I had shared spoon with my son while eating soup. I googled everything and read that sharing utensils could spread it and for the last 2.5 years I have silently cried at the possibility of transmitting to him. I am obsessed with inspecting his face multiple times a day. Never had a cold sore but I may have passed it and my heart is hurting. Since finding out I have been extra careful, no sharing nothing or kissing on the lips. I hate this so much, it's on my mind constantly and I am so scared

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