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Posts posted by DazedNewbi

  1. @DazedNewbi no no no no! Nobody has to wipe the toilet seat before they sit! Please do not spread that information around, it is not true! If that were true, almost everyone would have genital herpes at this point!



    I'm not spreading it around lol..... I said she'd do that EVEN IF i provided information that said that was unnecessary.... Meaning that she is set in her beliefs.



  2. Hey Andy!

    I'm pretty new to this so I don't have any tips or tricks or even answers but I wanted you to know that I think its pretty courageous the steps you are taking. First off, actually going to the Doctor. And then being able to share this with your family. I commend that. I shudder at the thought of telling my mother and maybe I never will. She would be the type to round up the family and quietly inform them that they need to wipe off the toilet seat before they sit while i'm visiting -_-. Regardless of any info I could produce to tell her that was unnecessary.

    I love her dearly but damn lol

    I experienced many of the same thoughts and questions you have and frankly am still stuck in that obsessive hand washing faze even though I THINK my OB is gone and has been for 2 weeks lol Or maybe not....Nobody will answer my residual pain after sores are gone questions... :( I don't know. Regardless I found taking it slow and getting back to normal actually helped. I've been testing out the possible OB causes slowly, one at a time. Like dipping my toe in a cold lake.

    I don't need to know you to KNOW you can live with this and have a great fulling life. :) And I wish you a world of happiness! :D


  3. Herpes outbreaks generally last a week or two until they're completely healed,


    Hey! I actually have a question about the healing process. Wonder if you had some insight. I noticed my lesion on the 10th of June. As of the 25th of June it looked to be healed. I accidentally reopened a small portion of it on the 27th but it closed promptly. The skin has looked normal for at least a week now. But there is some tenderness where the lesion was. I tend to notice the tenderness after I've done something that may upset it. (The lesion is actually more of a cut. I thought I was just itchy from a yeast infection before my HSV-1 genital diagnosis and itched the area. Scrapping the spot with my nail :( ) The skin looks completely healed now. And if it were a cut from anything else I'd think the sensitive state was normal and a normal part of the healing process.....

    If there is new skin present am I still shedding? Am I still contagious as long as there is occasional soreness present at the site?


    Any help would be great! Thanks :)



  4. @amazonwarrior


    I was right where you are now a month ago. And I was beyond miserable. I don't really have any insightful tips of my own to share because i'm still so new to this but I can reassure you that you will feel better! And its great to see your medication is working! I had days where I honestly worried (against all logic) if my sores would ever go away and if this would just be my life forever lol

    I have all the same questions you do and one of the hardest parts is not knowing how my body will react in the future to this.

    I'm currently trying to figure out if my OB is finally over or not. And boy is it confusing....

    I just wanted to say Good luck and tell you that you CAN handle this. I had weak moments where I wondered if I could as well. It seemed so daunting. But then I realized regardless of it I thought I could take it, I had to. And after almost 3 weeks I shaved my legs, put on a nice dress, heels and make-up and went to see my 2nd youngest brother graduate. And shockingly that was the boost my body seemed to need. Within 2 days of my getting back to me, this massive lesion I had finally stopped bleeding and healed shut! And its only been getting better down there since then. :D When I think back to the 1st 2 weeks of my OB and how it would have been almost impossible to do that it seems daunting again.... but it reminds me that it doesn't stay like that forever.

    I wish you a speedy recovery and hope you get feeling better asap :)

  5. @DeK1 Happy Belated Birthday!


    I'm not so much a worrier as an overthinker lol I can overthink myself into a crisis in no time flat. I'm sorry you also had such a miserable outbreak. But it sounds like you are well on your way to positively adjusting!


    I'm also worried about how I'll handle the future outbreaks. The unknown drives me crazy. Especially when its unpleasant. Heres hoping for the best! :)


    Thank you for the advice and taking the time to comment. I appreciate it!

  6. @WCSDancer2010 Thanks for the info! I do have to worry about protecting a partner which has been a large part in my consideration of anti-virals. I am not really a medicine taker. I even try to avoid Tylenol. But between the stress of the unknown and trying to keep him safe I am seriously considering the daily anti-viral. I don't have a family GP and my OBGYN retired so I'm left without medical care besides the local walk-in and they were ruefully unable to communicate my options at the time of diagnosis.

  7. @StillMeButWiser Right, breathing haha I actually needed that reminder. I've begun to develop a habit of clenching my throat and jaw and not allowing in enough air when I become overwhelmed. Thank you for the Benadryl tip. I hadn't thought of that!

    I really appreciate you taking the time to comment.

  8. Hey!

    23/F/Ontario, Kingston Region.


    I was very recently diagnosed with HSV-1 genitally and would love an H|Buddy to chat with. Since I live in an extremely post secondary region I hope that'll be in my favor helping me connect with someone near my area! Also right across the river from NY so while I'd love to get to meet my Buddy for coffee ( well not exactly coffee since I don't drink it but coffee and an ice capp or a beer or something lol) as long as we share a close time zone I'm sure it'll work!

    Would prefer male since I tend to fit in best as "one of the guys" but having a male and a female buddy would be wonderful as well. Then when I say my "________" itches at least she can likely relate! lol


    Preferably within a 5 year age range of myself. Open to Newbies such as myself and experienced members as well. I'd just really like someone to talk to about this regardless of preference. I've also been told I'm a kick ass listener and I tend to heal best when I'm healing others.


    Let me know!


  9. I just wanted to tell you that you're not alone. Since I am new to this, I don't have a lot of information but wanted to let you know that I'm here to listen. xoxo


    Thank you so much. It does really help to know someone else is willing to listen xoxox Thanks :)



  10. OhMyGoodness, that really is a rollercoaster!


    I remember joking around with the last guy I slept with before my current partner. We were discussing condom use and how he THOUGHT he was clean. I remember jokingly saying if he were going to give me anything, just let it be curable. . . . .


    I'm not sure if he's the one I got it from, but gosh wouldn't that just be the perfect punch line for our little joke -_-


  11. I apologize if this is considered graphic for anyone. I used the search bar and while i've seen tips to dry the area and a few ointments I'd like a little more. Thanks!


    I have a lesion (it was likely a sore before I scratched it with my unknowingly sharp nail and tore it open) that simply isn't healing. And now despite all but one sore and the lesion having disappeared the itching is back! I don't know what to do. As far as I know this is my first OB. Type 1 genitally. I've had the lesion for about 15 days and while I know its in a more moist area of my vaginal region I do my best to keep it clean and dry...... Yet it persists in bleeding and just wont heal. It is adding a layer of stress to this whole situation that I'm finding hard to handle. And the itching!!! Why is it back? Does this mean I should expect another round of blister/sore/dot thingies? The Dr who diagnosed me (Swab of lesion last sunday) didn't prescribe me anything for this OB because it was already so underway but if the itching is back should I get anti-virals? Frankly I want to be put on them fulltime. I keep seeing how HSV thrives on stress. Guess what? I'm currently a little stressed! lol Stressed about the lesion, the diagnoses, future outbreaks, having to leave behind or face losing my job, job hunting and ever facing a work environment again knowing that any day I could have an OB and be bedridden and unable to do my job.


    Is it normal for my lesion to be taking this long? How will I know when its healed and no longer shedding? When it becomes a scar? (its undoubtedly going to scar. I did a number on it before I knew it wasn't simply an itch from a yeast infection). How long do OB "usually" last and a "normal" lesion take to heal? Anybody ever have a significant cut and how did you handle the healing process, please and thank you.





    Hope you are having a good day!! :)

  12. It's been 4 days since I had the confirmation that I have GH but 9 days since the Dr did that painful scrubbing swab and casually mentioned that my "lesion" appeared to be herpes. Apparently I'm "lucky". I have HSV type 1 genitally. When the Dr called me to give the news she cheerfully stated that because of this I SHOULD have fewer outbreaks and that she'd left a prescription at the drug store (didn't mention what the brand was called or even which drug store she'd sent it to..... And obviously I had other priorities on my mind than to ask) for future outbreaks..... All she'd really say was that there was no way to prevent spreading it, that my current partner shouldn't bother getting tested and that I should heal from my current outbreak eventually. Overall she was the opposite of helpful. I ended the call defeated with no information.


    This all started when I fell ill. And not just ill. I mean bedridden. It hurt to move, it hurt to breath. I couldn't swallow, I was spitting up blood, I had a fever over 40 degrees Celsius, I was even having mild hallucinations when the fever got really bad. During this time I got my period. So when I began on day 3 or 4 of the cold to get itchy "down there" I just assumed it was a yeast infection and during one fevered annoyed moment I angrily scratched the area and suddenly felt a sharp tearing pain. One of my fingernails had broken at some point and must have ripped the itchy area. From there the sore continued to be itchy. I finally went to the doctor a couple days later and upon swabbing informed me I did have a yeast infection and then made her causal GH comment...... Over the next couple days I developed 4 more sores and my torn flesh continued to be a problem.


    As far as I can pinpoint it I either contracted this 4ish years ago or 2. 4 years ago I slept with the man that gave me HPV. 2 years ago my boyfriend and I separated and he slept with a woman who may, or may not have had it. Maybe she gave it to him. Maybe he has it. Maybe he doesn't. But apparently he shouldn't bother getting tested. The Dr mentioned that because my mother-in-law has cold sores she likely gave it to him and he has the anti-bodies and has just never exhibited signs. But we just don't know. But I know HOW I got it doesn't matter. And he's done all he can to show that it doesn't matter to him that I do have it. He has been nothing but supportive. And in a way that has caused its own pain. He is so sure that he loves me and that it's all okay with him that he accidently disregards my worries, my fear, my pain. And I know he doesn't mean to. I know he wont understand my sense of lost opportunities and limitations. He loves me so much and I am so grateful for his support.


    I have so many questions. I am living in an uncomfortable state of fear about having another outbreak. Since becoming sick I've had to leave my job due to my boss having an unethical "no sick days" policy and am now unemployed with this taunting voice asking me how I'll manage to work during another outbreak. How will I manage to get out of the house to do basic things? I know I don't have it nearly as bad as many but that torn flesh and one bump still remain and are causing me issues. It just wont heal. I know that rip will scar. And how will I know when another outbreak is coming on when during this one I had so much going on? A yeast infection, my period, a cold..... Has my body built up a good store of anti-bodies since I've had this at least 2 years or since this is my first known outbreak is my body just beginning to build up a resistance? I'm paranoid about spreading it to other body parts.... I've washed my hands to the point they are dry which I know then opens them up to crack...... What about suppressive therapy? If he doesn't already have it than I do want to protect my partner. What are my odds of spreading it if sadly I would need to begin with someone new? How long will this rip take to heal? I'm still so itchy, how do I know when this outbreak is over? Will I still itch even after the sores heal and if I'm still itchy does that mean I'm still shedding? Can I still wax (obviously not while having an outbreak)? If there are no sores on my legs can I still shave them while having an outbreak or is that just asking for trouble?


    I've done nothing but read and read information and still feel like my questions arn't answered.



    I have my 23rd birthday on the 27th. I suppose this is fitting. I had chicken pox on my first birthday. Chicken pox on my 16th. And now GH on my 23rd.


    I am miserable. I thought I could handle this alone. I thought I could manage. But this is a lot to take in and frankly its overwhelming.

    I suppose thanks for listening?.... :)


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