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Posts posted by GiGi

  1. I had a similar issue. My insurance has a supply limit so after my first 30 days I could only get 4 pills instead of 30. Crazy right? Anyway I was taking valacyclovir (generic valtrex) and found I can get 30 pills for $25 at healthwarehouse.com. They do not require insurance - that is the cost regardless. I've been using them several months now .... They even transferred my script from Walgreens. Hope this helps~

  2. @livefiercely21


    So very true!!! I feel the same .... Mine was wine. I love wine and social drinking but every time I drink I have the prodome crappy feelings. I have recently gone through a divorce and knew I was drinking too much - then Wham!! Everything about my life has changed .... But not all in a bad way. I too am exercises and doing things for myself that I should have done long ago. Thanks for posting! It's good to read something more on a positive note!!!!

  3. My story is similar to every story I've read on line. I am 45 years old and recently divorced after a 25 year marriage. I am looking forward to my new life .... Even still today. A few months ago a good friend that I have known for 10 years asked me out. He's gone through a divorce in the last couple of years so I felt very comfortable going out with him. He's the first guy I chose to date and after 25 years of being married it seemed like a good start - dating is intimidating when you haven't dated in many many years. Lol. One thing lead to another ...and I had unprotected sex. After the fact we joked about having the "talk" after the fact is backwards but he assured me he had been tested recently and did not have any sti/std's and had not been sexually active in 6 months. We went out twice more.... And had se both times. 10 days after our last date I started having all the classic ghsv symptoms. Rationalize an in grown hair ...a yeast infection ... Scented tampons must have "irritated" me. So off to the dr I go. I had her test me for everything including herpes. Results come back and I'm negative for everything except HSV1. Whew .... What a relief. I've dodged a bullet right? I don't remember ever having cold sores as a kid but I can live with HSV1 because "almost everyone" has it. I start feeling better but in the back of my mind I'm still a little worried so start doing a little research on line. Then I realize that it's possible I tested too soon and my HSV2 negative could be a false negative. So a few weeks pass and here we go .... A little itchy... Tingly prodome feeling down south returns. Only this time I have oral prodomes with a swollen lymph node near my ear and a sore on my throat. No OB just the itchy tingly feeling. I set up an appt with my GP this time instead of my GYN. Sore on my throat is already gone so there was nothing to swab. I told her what I suspected so she test me for H again. 48 hours after she calls to tell me I'm positive for both. IGG type 1 is 26 and type 2 is 1.69. Of course I've done so much reading that my type 2 is a low positive so I'm automatically hoping that it's a false positive. She put me on an antiviral for 10 days. Of course I'm a disaster .... An emotional wreck. Call the guy to see if he'd go get tested to confirm ... He tells me he will. I'm thinking - ok great he gets tested it comes back negative then I know it's a false positive!! Feeling hopeful still. Well the guy ... The supposed friend never calls. So I followed up with him a few weeks later .... He tells me he's just been super busy. Says he will go the following week. It's now 14 wks post last sexual encounter - no OB but prodomes and itchy off and on constantly. So I take matters into my own hands and arrange for a western blot. That's the gold standard right? So I test .... And about 2 weeks later results come back and I'm still positive for type 1 but negative for type 2. I should be so relieved right? Well .... In the back of my mind I'm still worried that I have HSV2. Since I took antivirals I'm worried it could still be a false negative ... Especially since HSV1 genitally typically does not recur as often. The antivirals could have caused my seroconversion to delay.... So in another 12 weeks I'll test again to confirm.


    The thing is ..... Whether my GHSV is type 1 or 2 I still have to have "the talk" prior to having sex with any future partner. Imagine after 25 years of being married and so looking forward to my new life I'm dealing with this????? Oh yeah and the friend finally shared his results with me after 3 months. His lab misspelled syphilis so I'm convinced he falsified the document and has HSV2. I just pray that's all he has so graciously given me. It's easy to have a meltdown. It's easy to look for someone to blame. It's easy to be overwhelmed and depressed. Let's face it no one wants H. But my best advice is focus on you. Not the things you can't control like the future and dating and how will future partners react. Focus on YOU. Your health .... Get in control of the H. I love social drinking .... But every time I drink I have the itchy tingly feeling return. It just reminds me again that I have it. I don't want to give up happy hour ... But I can't keep drinking until I get this under control. I might not ever be able to drink without it being a trigger. I can accept that . But scouring the internet everyday looking for anything that will validate I do not have H only makes it worse. The 80% of people who have ghsv and do not know they have it will not be posting on line. The people posting are people who are having problems with this physically and emotionally. Some of the stories will scare you ... Some will depress you. STAY positive!!!!!! Get healthy and figure out what works for you. lysine works wonders for me even though I read there is no real proof it works. Get on suppressive therapy to see if that helps. Whatever you choose to do .... Read up on H and get educated. Then take control and go live your life. You are a beautiful human being and it can always be worse. The law of attraction states that what you think .... You will become. So think positive and try not to let negative thoughts consume you!!!!! There is life with H and it's up to you to decide how great that life will be!!!


    Didn't mean to type a novel - but if you need someone to talk to or someone to just help you look for the positive ... Message me!

    @adrial - thank you for having the most informative sight I've found!!!

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