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Posts posted by libra

  1. How interesting. I feel like I always get them when I work out. Definitely if I work out too hard. And the meds actually make my prodrome symptoms stronger so I'm trying to stick with using the cream whenever I feel something coming, but I think it's wreaking havoc on the skin down there.

  2. Woo hoo!! That's always a nice stage to be in :) Gives you faith. I remember being happy when I didn't have to pour water down there while I peed. And being able to walk again was a nice milestone too. Keep going, girl! The end is near.

  3. Not to scare you, but mine took forever to heal. The initial one cleared up in 2-3 weeks, but then less than a week later another one would pop up. Less intense of course but still extremely painful. I didn't really have any flu like symptoms or at least not for long, but I will say there's light at the end of the tunnel! After about 6 months it started to become manageable then after the first year (and learning that the acyclovir cream helps me a lot) I was basically a normal H+ person with less severe outbreaks. They still come but not quite as often and way less painful.

  4. I'm with an amazing HSV- guy and now I'm having so much anxiety. I was with someone else for 2 years who I never transferred anything to and was always super cautious. With him we have a lot more sex and it's a lot rougher too. We also got brazilian waxes and didn't listen and had sex that day. I'm so worried that I wasn't paying enough attention to my body since everything was hurting a bit down there that day from the wax. He said his area is still itchy even though mine isn't anymore. Then yesterday he said he had a weird shooting pain down his leg and started having some cold symptoms so now I'm so worried and anxious and down. I don't know what to do or how I'm supposed to handle this. I couldn't imagine hurting him like that.

  5. I'm also wondering this too. I'm with an amazing HSV- guy and now I'm having so much anxiety. I was with someone else for 2 years who I never transferred anything to and was always super cautious. With him we have a lot more sex and it's a lot rougher too. We also got brazilian waxes and didn't listen and had sex that day. I'm so worried that I wasn't paying enough attention to my body since everything was hurting a bit down there that day from the wax. He said his area is still itchy even though mine isn't anymore. Then yesterday he said he had a weird shooting pain down his leg and started having some cold symptoms so now I'm so worried and anxious and down. I don't know what to do or how I'm supposed to handle this. I couldn't imagine hurting him like that.

  6. I had the same problem. If you're not sexually active or if your partner has it/doesn't mind then I recommend using the acyclovir cream whenever one comes up. I put it on even before one actually shows up and it usually stops the outbreak from occurring. It took me so many months of pain (I had horrible back to back outbreaks) before finding out that this works for me. I would give it a shot if I were you!

  7. Thanks! Yeah he had a legitimate video game addiction growing up but was able to curb that a bit when he was deployed in the army. That was when we met so I thought it was even more attractive that he was able to get his life back on track. He would skip school to play almost every day and all night and his mom didn't do much to make him stop. So now everything involving the real world is hard for him because he was never really in it. When he moved in with his brother after we met, the video games became his hobby and that was awful. Now he watches political videos all the time which I think is slightly better since he's actually learning about something and gaining something to talk about. There's just no, hey let's go kayaking or hey let's go drive around the city or check out the stars. Or hey there's a cool beach that we should go to on Sunday and check out. I'm always the one doing this searching and making these suggestions to try to keep the spark alive.

  8. Hi guys! It's been so long. This forum seriously saved my life back in 2015 when I got diagnosed. Adrial and the other forum godparents don't realize just how awesome they are.


    I'm with a guy now that ironically tested positive for herpes before we met then found out he didn't actually have it. At the time, everything was going great (very quickly I might add), so I was heartbroken to hear that news. Obviously I was happy for him because he dodged a bullet (I had debilitating back to back outbreaks), but I just knew he'd leave me because who would want to risk something like herpes? But he shocked me and said he'd never do that especially not for a skin condition. I thought I'd marry him then and there. We used to do a lot together and have a great time, but once the money was gone and we got comfortable, it kind of died. I don't look up to him anymore. He's more like a son that I have to watch over than a boyfriend. I feel awful because he was always there for me and does some nice things sometimes. But the romance and attraction died and I was left with a homebody who doesn't do anything unless I suggest it. I've always wanted to have kids young and I enjoy doing things like house hunting and party planning so this is very hard for me. People say to just focus on myself but I do a lot of that already. I graduated from a top tier Ivy League university, got a great job, great apartment, etc(not bragging just stating facts. I hate the northeast and would never recommend it). I have plenty of passions and interests but everything goes back to my dream of parenthood and the family life. When I weigh the pros and cons, I always end up thinking it's worth the guaranteed family to keep him around. But the voice in the back of my head tells me we're not perfect for each other anymore. He says it's because we don't have money to do anything he likes to do, but I feel like there has to be a way. When I think of him or our relationship in general, the vision of him is someone who props his phone on his (much larger than it previously was) stomach watching videos and eating. It's not the jet skiing, kayaking, laughing, exercising, play fighting guy from before. My second thought is always well I have herpes so dating is completely unpredictable.Letting go of him means letting go of a guaranteed dream. I'm also big on facing consequences and playing the cards you're dealt. I chose to be with him, he didn't leave when things became inconvenient for him, he never did anything wrong besides not being the same person he was, and I chose to have the unprotected sex that led to herpes. I feel like it's a different circumstance because other people just want that companionship and a happy relationship, but that was never my priority. I wanted kids and to do activities with them. When I met him I thought he'd be a perfect partner to do that with, but now I wish he had never shown me what real happiness in a relationship is like. It made me want one instead of a live-in co-parent. I feel bad trying to change him but I'm only trying to make him the person he used to be. I don't know how long I'm supposed to wait for that to happen. Not even sure it will. Btw, please excuse the bad grammar and long post. I'm on my cell phone lol


    Oh I guess I should also add that spending time with friends doesn't work either since they're all out of state with their own lives now. So the chances of just finding love are pretty slim because I don't have circles and I refuse to date online again. I really hate dating in general now because everyone's at their best. I moved in with him 3 months after we met because he wanted to do things together and the long distance was stopping that from happening. There's a lot of resentment since now I'm the one who wants to do things and he doesn't. I mostly moved to get out of my parents' house but 40% of the reason was for him. The first year was hell because we lived with his crazy sister in law and her 4 animals in a tiny house in the middle of nowhere. Now that we've moved out,it's gotten a little better but still very bland. I feel like he loves technology more than communicating with me and is always talking about how we need more time apart.

  9. Yeah! I used Positive Singles and it was pretty bleak at first. A lot of the guys were creepy and I started to lose hope. Then I found this amazing guy and we started dating after he got back to the US from Africa (he was deployed). But he actually got retested after we'd been dating for a few months because he was asymptomatic and it turns out his first test gave him a false positive result. But we're still together, he doesn't mind whatsoever because he had already gotten comfortable with it, and we even live together now. So there's so much hope.

  10. Yeah! It didn't cause any itching aside from the tingling that usually comes with my other prodrome symptoms. I just noticed the skin looked a little different after I started using the cream. The topical measure seemed to help a lot though so hopefully zinc will have the same effect.

  11. I tried the aloe cream but didn't get any results from it. But this is the longest I've gone without any full blown outbreaks, just tingling. It could be that my body's starting to adjust at the 7 month mark, my hormones were under control this month (I have irregular periods and this month I didn't get one), or that the cream is doing a good job.

  12. Hey everyone.


    It's been a while since I've been on (thank God). I've been using the cream form of acyclovir and it's been working pretty well for the past few weeks. I also haven't gotten my period in a while so that could also be the reason I haven't had an outbreak for a while. I noticed the cream leaves my outer labia a little pink though. Is there any good cream I can use to get rid of the scarring/redness? I was thinking cocoa butter might work but I'm not sure what's allowed to go down there.



  13. I'm almost at my 6 month mark and I'm having the worst outbreak I've had since the primary! Should I get checked out for this? I've been getting them every two weeks, almost on the exact day. There's usually one kind of large sore but this time there are 4 pretty big clusters. Has anyone successfully weaned themselves off valtrex or acicylovir?

  14. I'm still pushing through with this and after trying all of the antivirals I was still get outbreaks in between with a lot of drowsiness and body aches. Things are a little better now (4 months today) than I was at the beginning. The obs are just itchy to begin with and then get a little raw but the rawness goes away in a few days and they heal completely in about 5. Has anyone else who didn't respond well to medication had problems with recurrences then felt relief after a period of time?

  15. I've been having the same problem since I was diagnosed on the 28th. I just reached the three month mark on August 23rd and decided to start taking olive leaf extract. It's starting to get better but I still feel some prodrome a few times throughout the day. Keep your head up! It takes a while but things seem to get better over time. I think the 4 month, 6 month, and year checkpoint are the ones to look forward to. Until then just do all you can to keep boosting your immune system.

  16. Does anyone know how accurate a 1.7 result is? I was so sure I knew who I got this from and haven't had sex since my primary ob but I slept with 1 guy on May 21st and one on May 23rd. The one on the 23rd was my ex bf of 2 years who has been dating my friend for 2 years and my friend definitely has herpes. The other got tested and got a 1.7 but I assured him I couldn't have given it to him because I got it 2 days after we had sex. He said the doctor told him anything greater than 1.1 is positive. I like him a lot and I don't want him to think I lied about not giving it to him. He freaked out a little when I first told him but he never explicitly said that my diagnosis would cancel any chance of having a relationship. I haven't spoken to my ex about it since I told him to get tested after I was diagnosed. But a mutual friend told me he's been in denial since April. Is 1.7 really that accurate? How can he know for sure that he has it?

  17. I had idiopathic angiodema growing up which took my immune system around 3 or 4 years to get used to and last night it came back. My face started swelling for no reason (no change in diet or anything else) but I knew since it wasn't too bad antihistamines would stop it. Those helped the joint pain a lot too! I guess that was just swelling from the angiodema. Thanks. I'll keep trying to give it time and hang in there until things get back to normal.

  18. My dentist is making me get a consultation for wisdom tooth surgery today. Apparently all four are in a bad position and the sooner I get them out the better. I'll be hitting my three month herpiversary around the time of the surgery so my immune system will still be hating me by then. Any advice?

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