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Posts posted by Hello81

  1. Thank you WCSDancer2010 and justagirl for the email!




    Just-a-girl like you said... I also was googling hours upon hours of possible other symptoms of what I like to call "skin disorder type 2." my poor iPad about broke from over using it from researching it lol studies show approximately 20% of the population has hsv2, however, I think that number is well down played and is more like 1/3 (roughly 33% IMO) of people actually have hsv2.. Either way, it doesn't change my status of having it and I'm glad to be apart of this with you guys.. Whenever, I get down on myself, I like to remind myself and you should also the great things we have in life..family, friends, your health-we could be much worse off, etc.. I don't know about you wonderful ladies but I think the upside to this is that we look at life differently now. Let me explain, the search for "right now" has me thinking more like "the right person" for a healthy long term relationship. We must not look at ourselves as if we are dirty, society is clueless on stds, many of them have this one and other ones but are clueless on their status..

    And I'm trying not to focus on rejection cause that's not gonna help my self esteem even though I have thought it many times.. We must stay strong, I believe we will meet someone who will accept us for us and look back at this as a true blessing in disguise. Wish you guys lived locally to me, I would say grab those anti-viral meds and lets go to happy hour for some drinks!! :))

  2. Hello :) this support forum is great for all of us suffering. A little while ago I made a poor life changing desicion and slept with someone I just met.. I am a 33 yr old male and basically had a one night stand with a girl from online. A few days after, I had every single classic symptom related to hsv2 .. I was in complete denial, like so much denial that it took me forever to get myself checked and get blood work done..(stayed abstinent since the outbreak) I've never been the type of person to be in denial, however, this event made me a pro at that,, I finally understood that I can't live life without knowing and I certainly would never even think to put someone at risk without telling them I had this disease now that I do have it.. I found out later the girl I messed around with claims she didn't know she had the virus.. I can only go on what she says and I'm gonna try and stay positive no pun intended and believe her.. Hsv2 is a very emotional and draining experience during the coping phase.. I feel for all of you with recent hsv2 diagnosis cause like yourself, I am to thinking about it constantly. Hearing other people who have had the virus for years now on this forum speak about how they are living a good healthy life it def inspiring and we appreciate those stories. Life will in fact get better, I think that if you are single(like me) and worried you may never find the right person to be with I disagree because if we find someone willing to be with us because of this virus that only shows even more how much they care for us.. And for the rejections that we may encounter, just come back to this site for support since we will all be here to help each other out.. I've never really joined a club before so this might be my first one and I'm happy you guys are here with me! I hope you guys realize it will get better just like the veterans on this site tell us.. God bless


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