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Posts posted by Leanne27

  1. Just needing to vent, I've just had a rejection and it has knocked me down. Not sure why I'm upset about it as I wasn't really sure about this guy but still thought I'd give it a go. Part of feeling so crappy is that I overlooked a few issues with him and feel now I've presented this one I've been discarded. He ended up being a smoker after putting non smoker on his profile and managed to hide it from me until our third date. I think smoking poses more risk than hsv1! He also has 2 young children, which at my age of 53 I prefer the kids to be grown and in addition he's in between jobs and lives with his mother! 

    I'm just feeling not good enough and not worth a risk and just sad because I thought I'd give this guy a go despite the issues I wasn't thrilled about and he didn't think I was worth it. 

    I'll probably bounce back soon but just felling low and a bit hopeless😪

  2. are you certain that is herpes? i too had thought that the burning I was experiencing was herpes and was getting frustrated and depressed when taking extra valtrex did nothing. Ultimately it was vaginal atrophy associated with menopause, using oestrogen cream has stopped it completely!

  3. I've only disclosed to people that knew me before I was diagnosed with HSV1 18 months ago, it's always gone well and I felt accepted and cared about.

    I had the opportunity to have some casual sex which I was feeling ready for as it had been over a year since I was with a man.

    it took me such a long time to gather up the nerve to tell him. We'd met up to see how things felt before I would make a decision. 7 hours later and we're just chatting away and enjoying each other's company without any hanky panky. He eventually came out and said that he was more than interested but wasn't reading what I was feeling. I told him that I was conflicted and then told him why: that I had herpes, told him the risks, said I understood if he didn't want to pursue things any more.


    He smiled and said is that all that's been holding you back, I said yes and that I understood if he didn't want to take the risk. At that point he pulled my head towards and kissed me and said he wasn't going anywhere. He liked my honesty very much and said it attracted him even more to me. The sex was seriously good and he wasn't bothered at all. He asked if he could get an invite back as soon as he's back from a short holiday.


    So feeling relieved that he didn't go running for the hills! Now conflicted again because the sex was tooo good not to repeat a lot!

  4. It is stressful having the talk and so many people have no problem with it, I hope that's the case with you. In your explanation it's best to be accurate, there isn't a condition "carrier" for HSV-2 you have HSV2, you may not notice or have OB's but you have it. The test isn't a test of a gene, it's a test of an immunological protein that reacts on having hsv.

    I hope it all goes how you wish :)

  5. It will take 6 to 8 treatments over a year so not a fast process, However in saying that I've only had one treatment and I have barely any hair left and it's 2 months since it. I'm not going completely bald, leaving a landing strip lol. I'm happy I've done it so far and it is only mildly uncomfortable nothing compared to waxing! Cost effective too, I'm doing legs and underarms too.

  6. I used a do it yourself kit, ouch! I found the waxing far better than the shaving. I am 2 months since diagnosis of GHSV1. I was feeling that I was getting OB's all the time from the discomfort of the regrowth after shaving and would get razor bumps and more ingrown hairs. For me the waxing has really liberated me in taking away my paranoia about having OB's, I feel now I know better what's going on down there, I've been able to see more too I think with a handheld mirror. The waxing didn't cause any OBs for me.

    In saying that I cannot face doing it myself again so will have to go in and have it done professionally, so I'm a bit nervous about the prospect of that but will have to "bite the bullet".

  7. Appreciate your thoughts. I’m in the newly diagnosed vortex where I oscillate between everything will be OK to my life is ending! I was diagnosed with genital HSV1 a week ago, my OB lasted around 2 to 3 weeks before finally disappearing. It presented like a UTI, burning stinging pain that went away after a few days when I took antibiotics and a thrush treatment, it then reappeared a week later but with 3 lesions on my outer labia and a few sores at the opening. I believe it was an initial OB rather than recurrence, my blood tests were negative.


    I’m now way too hyper vigilant, I am totally focused on my physical feelings wondering if I am going to have an outbreak. I am poking around and looking too much and probably causing irritation too. I don’t have any noticeable lesions anywhere but do have a generalized irritation and burning feeling when I think about it adn particularly if I'm sitting! If I’m distracted I don’t notice it. I imagine all sorts of worst case scenarios, including being someone who will defy the science and develop lesions over the entirety of my body, silly I know but I did get it in my finger too so that allows the imagination to go into overload.


    Do recurrences usually appear in the same place? Or will I find them appearing elsewhere?


    Can I auto spread if I am poking around and happen to be poking a lesion?


    I am wondering if psychologically I am better off to go onto suppressive therapy for the next 6 months or so that I can get my head more at ease? I know physically it is probably better to wait to see if I do get recurrences and not take medications unnecessarily. I guess I will probably relax into the whole thing but right now it’s tough. I really want this to fade away and not be so prominent in my thoughts. If I were to go onto suppressive therapy what sort of drug and dosage would be best for me? I did take Valtrex for 5 days but it was right at the end of my OB so not sure what impact it had.


    I think these forums are great, it’s been really reassuring reading everyone’s stories and advice and to see myself reflected in many of the words, nice to know you’re not the only one feeling that way.


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