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Posts posted by need2talk

  1. So i finally told my ex he needs to go get tested.for everything but I didn't tell him that I have H. So my ex being the pos that he is said he went on Wednesday and the yesterday (Friday) he said he is clean as a new born baby and to "fuck off" very mature. Can test results come back that fast? Knowing him he didn't even get tested or he already knew he had it and didn't care. I did tell his ex that he's been cheating.on me with that she needs to get tested also and she thanked me for warning her. Didn't want to say what I have so I'm not outed to mutual friends but at least I told them to get checked

  2. H Ask your doctor but I went and got some tea tree oil cream that helped a little. I heard the bath does help but I didn't try it. As long as you have that medicine and you can start taking it right away then I thing you will be okay :-) oh and sassy I also live in Michigan and would love to be your H buddy so we can help each other get through this. Inbox me if you want :-)

  3. I know that no one is a doctor and there is no way to be sure but I have a question.... I know herpes can lay dormant in you for years and you never a lot of people don't know they have it or have any outbreak but I have been with steady bfs on and off with no protection and none of them have called me to say they got the H. So my now ex and me have been having in protected sex for the past 8 months (come to find out he was cheating) and a couple months ago I had.my first and horrible outbreak the day after having sex.with him. What are the chances I got it from him because I heard you have an outbreak up to a week after getting the H. It makes me wonder if he knows he has it or if he has no idea he does but wouldn't he a ob soon too because if he didn't have it I'm sure he does now because we had sex right around the time of my first on before I realized what it was . He is the type of guy that would call me up and blame it all on me. Please help I'm confused and don't know anything about this.

  4. My first outbreak was a couple months ago. Don't wanna scare you but it was vert painful and was a cluster of lots of sores on my taint . I remember getting a mirror and looking at them and started crying because I knew it wasn't anything good! I don't have insurance and planned parenthood didn't have any openings for awhile. I cried and cried all week. It was uncomfortable and hurt to pee and on top of that I started my period. Finally got into the doc but they couldn't prescribe me anything until my blood results came back. They called me and told me I was negative and called in a prescription in right away. I think it took a week after that to go away. In your situation you already know you have it so I would suggest taking pills every day to lower your chance of having one and when you do it won't be as bad. I've been taking the medicine every day and haven't had on episode since my first one.

  5. I just joined and I would like to say that you are all amazing people and have helped me already so much. Was do depressed and starting to realize that life will go on. I need help! I have been with this guy for the past 9 months and we had sex regularly unprotected. I found out he was a really bad guy and was cheating on me a lot and we broke up two months ago. I had my first outbreak a month ago and was tested positive for H2. Me and my ex have a lot of the same friends and we grew up in the same town. Everyone warned me not to.talk to him but I still did. My question is should I tell him I have it and risk him telling everyone we know because he is that type of guy or should I just let it be and move on with my life and if he has it he will figure it out on his own?

  6. Everyone here is so amazing! Already making me feel a lot better! I told my first person today.. my friend chris and he said "so what doesn't change who you are as a person" made me feel a lot better. I know that this isn't the end of the world but I still can't help but think and fear that I'm gonna meet someone and the fear of having to tell them then be rejected . This scares me! Then again I have to think that if they don't accept me and my H then it wasn't meant to be. I don't know I just have so many thoughts and fears right now. Thank you all so much for your kind words xoxo

  7. Thank you so much! This is making me feel a lot better. Yes I am ashamed just because of how everyone I know makes a joke about how you are gross if you have this. I'm afraid to tell people because I don't want it to get around to everyone that I have it in fear that they might judge me or talk bad. I don't know how to think or act about it. Its tearing me up inside but I'm very glad I found this site. Reading what everyone is saying is already making me feel a little better. I guess my fear is that I will be rejected or never find love

  8. Hi everyone I'm 28 yo female and I just found out two months ago that I have H simplex 2. I am always a happy smiling person that doesn't let anything get to me. I always have a positive attitude about everything but since I found out I've been a mess! I haven't told anyone and friends and family notice a change in my mood and are worried about me. I have never been this sad and depressed in my life! Please someone help and tell me that it will get better :*(

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