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Posts posted by Mj8989

  1. Ok. So basically I was diagnosed with Genital HSV1 yesterday from a culture that was taken. My boyfriend has never had oral herpes or any signs of genital oral herpes. I know who gave it to me and it wasn't him. My bf knows about my diagnosis and has decided to be with me regardless of whether I have H or not. Because of my out break we have not had sex in two weeks. Tonight he decided he wanted to to sleep with me knowing what I have. He has not been tested yet. Is this unheard of? He willingly risked getting H. I cried right after because I feel bad... I did not have any open sores and all of it is cleared up. He wants to marry me and have a future. We've known each other for over a decade and really love one another. I was tested for all STDs and my pap was "normal" aside from bacteria and yeast.

  2. Thanks, I will pick some up tonight and hope for the best. Question, I have a lone blister no near my groin, should I pop it? It doesn't hurt but it never goes away... I'm new to this site and new to this virus

  3. Hey. I understand what you're going through. I think you should go to the doctor because you'll have to start meds. I also have a 99% feeling I have H too. My test culture results come back on Friday. Waiting for them sucks especially when you know you definitely have it. I had to tell my boyfriend also. It was hard but your boyfriend probably has it too and has no idea because he has no signs and symptoms. That's the case for me. Maybe talking with him will give you some support. You're only 21 and have so much life ahead of you.

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