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Posts posted by ThatJerseyGirl

  1. Wow! It's been months since I've posted but trust me I've been around and reading!


    Hey guys!

    So in 2 days it will be one year since I went to the doctor and got diagnosed. When looking back on this year I cannot believe how far I have come. I seriously remember signing up for this web page with tear filled eyes and flushed cheeks because I needed someone, anyone to talk too at the time. Looking back on it, this forum has helped me oh so much. About a week in to being a member I found one of my best friends ever, he is literally like my older brother and even though his test results came back negative he still supports the community and gives me pep talks when needed. The whole "it gets better" line is super cliche'd, it's really overused and a tad bit annoying at time. So I'm not going to hit you with that, but what I will tell you is that the World may be Broken but Hope is not Crazy. Have hope every morning you step out of bed. Have hope everytime you come in contact with a new individual and have hope everytime you want to go on a date with someone. Go and get that booty, dammit! (Sorry way to much coffee today)


    Within this year I've learned so much about myself, I've gained so many blessings, and I've learned that herpes can in fact be a blessing in disguise. When you disclose to someone that's when you find out who's really there just for sex and who is really there for you. And after kissing a lot of frogs I've finally found my prince. My boyfriend is super accepting of my situation and cares about me for me which is all I can ask for. Go for a hike, go to the gym, go take a painting class. Getting your mind of the situation will help so much more because you tend to forget about it. I'm also on suppressive therapy which has helped SO much.


    Does it get better ? Over time yes. But I had to gain my confidence back. I decided to take my life back and to not let this sickness get me down. I took charge of myself and now I'm a 21 year old, re-enrolled college student (woooooo back to school back to school!) with a very supportive man and family by her side.


    So I leave you with; have hope. have faith. And in the words of Pink "Change the voices in your head, make them like you instead."


    Love yo' faces !


    - ThatJerseyGirl

  2. Honestly I understand your pain and confusion on what to do. But I can promise you that you will feel like a weight has been lifted after. I've had very few people tell me that's not what they were looking for but honestly that is completely understandable. At the same time I've had more people tell me it was Okay and that they accepted me for me! There was one guy that was literally perfect for me. And I was so so scared to tell. But I told him and his first reaction was "well I kinda don't wanna get it but my job has good benefits if something does happen." Lol

    And we continued to talk for another month and a half and now he's my boyfriend and things are just dandy. I'm a year in to my diagnosis. Like a year exactly in 2 days. And I struggled so much with accepting myself but as much as people tell you it gets better and as much as you're gonna hate hearing it, they're right. And you're gonna find the guy that's super accepting of it. And if he likes you for you, then he won't mind. Just don't bring it up ubruptly. Kind of ease into it because taking him by shock he may close off himself. You got this! :)

  3. Happy Monday all you bright eyed people!


    I recently started seeing this guy and things are going really well. Even after disclosing to him he was really understanding and said it was no big deal. But like most he had questions before anything else and honestly some of them I really didn't know so I told him I'd get back to him on them. And I was wondering if you all would help! So! If you would ever be so kind to answer this that would be greatly appreciated;


    1. If I am having a genital outbreak can he receive oral?

    2. How long would we have to wait to have sex after an outbreak?

    3. If there are no cold sores or anything on the mouth is oral okay?



  4. Happy Humpday you awesome people!


    I don't remember WHERE I read this but when people who have H get their nails done (i.e. Acrylic nails/ gel nails) the virus causes the acrylic gel to either rise off your nail or break off easily? I was just wondering if this was even slightly true because I'm looking to get my nails done for the upcoming holidays and don't feel like spending 40$ to have them break off quickly.


    Weekends a-comin!



  5. I have a friend who me and him have this deal that if by the time we're 35 and we're both not married, we get married. And even through relationships and being far away, we still like to flirt and joke around that we're dating (not when in relationships obviously) We both know deep down inside we like each other a lot. We've even told each other that. But one day I posted an article about Ella that buzzfeed wrote and he texted me asking me jokingly if I had H. And I told him the truth. And he told me "well Maia I don't know, like I like you so much but when we're finally together in person I don't know if that's what I want." And he basically said everything super bluntly and me going through a hard time forgot that he's a blunt person when he gets stressed.


    We didn't talk for 2 weeks and he texted me saying he was really sorry, but he just had to process it and think. He did all his research so he could come at me with information and he told me he loved me and things we're going to be okay. He's back in my life now more than ever and he's my rock.


    Things get better. Just give him some time to process it all :)

  6. @ladyangxo all you need is a little hope. The day I met him I was having such a crappy few weeks and something told me to just take a chance and go out. And I did. And I'm so glad I did. Like my tattoo on my shoulder says "The World May Be Broken But Hope Is Not Crazy."

  7. Happy Friday all you lovely people!


    I haven't posted in awhile because I've just been swamped with work and getting adjusted into my new house. Also took a little trip to Florida on halloweekend because I needed to just get away from New Jersey for a little. But! I come bearing good news! I met someone! He lives about half an hour from me and at first, I didn't want to tell him until he really got to know me. Then just one day, he wanted to hang out and I decided to tell him in a super long paragraph. I did it through text because I was at work and especially with things like disclosing, face to face communication still makes me nervous.


    I let it be known I was used to people running, so if he wanted to also, I understood. And what he told me surprised me more than him just saying "I'm not going to run" he told me his ex (who he has a child with) has it. And that with the proper precaution she safely delivered their son and didn't pass H on to him either. I feel amazingly happy knowing that lots of hang outs and late night talks later, I have a boyfriend and he accepts me for who I am, not what I have.


    This new chapter in my life was very scary at first but I am so so ready to live it as a happy 20 year old. I'm done being depressed and having scary thoughts. I actually get ready for work singing now. And all though my singing voice is totally bad. Like 2004 Clay Aiken bad, it's the way I show I'm truly happy :)


    It gets better.



  8. Happy Saturday all you gorgeous people,

    I finished my 10 day round of Valtrex a few days ago and it helped A LOT. But the outbreak is still there. And I've also seen one or 2 more sores pop up since the ending of the 10 days. Should I refill the prescription to take another 10 days? Or should I just wait to see the medication in my system work?



  9. @Anna01 moving is such a pain haha I try to enjoy my showers but then now it's getting to the point where it's too cold to step out of them and I end up being late for work haha but yay super bad paper cuts to make me look like I got into a fight with the copy machine :) haha

  10. Happy Monday all you bright eyed people, (who probably need a lot of coffee right now)


    I spent this weekend moving into a new house and noticed yesterday after sanitizing my hands that I had a small paper cut on my palm and thumb, then a really long paper cut on my pinky going from the tip of my finger to about the middle of it. (The pinky cut hurts the most and is really red and a tad painful today) I also recall a few weeks ago having a little pain in my underarm area and I do know that's a symptom of HW.


    Am I just overthinking this whole thing?! When I shower and wash down there I always wash my hands right after I touch it just to be safe. I'm new to all of this and freaking out a tad here. It could just be when moving all my furniture and boxes into the new place I cut my hands a tad

  11. So I recently had an ob on a higher up part of my genital area. I'm a tad Pudgey so my stomach touches it a little and it ended up spreading to the under part of my stomach (joy.) is there a way that it can now be spread to higher up on my stomach? Thanks in advance!

  12. @ThatJerseyGirl


    Ok honey... BREATHE!


    Reality check.


    80% of the population has oral HSV1.


    60% of young people have oral HSV1 by the time they are young adults (I got it at age 4 and had HUGE OB's on my chin all through childhood ... over time they've reduced to almost nothing and I can usually knock them down before they really come out anyway)


    So do you know if you have HSV1 genitally or HSV2?


    You can always go to PP and get them to do a culture. Stand up to them if they refuse... this is your body and your emotional welfare. If it will help you to know for sure, then insist on the swab. :)




    I actually don't know yet. When I found out I tested positive I asked my doctor for a blood test and he said "well people nowadays usually have both so no need to test you." And I was still in such shock I didn't feel like standing up for myself. I'm planning to go to a new doctor in a few weeks however to get tested to see which one I have

  13. @ThatJerseyGirl /Maia


    Hello and Welcome!


    So glad to see you having such a "positive" outlook to being positive.


    Two things to tell your Dad (and God bless him for being so understanding, but he needs just a *wee* bit of educating here). Even if you used condoms, they only give 50% protection from H, so you might have got it anyway...... and it's also possible you could have got it from oral sex (assuming you did that too) in which case you could have got it and not even had sex with the guy. Yeah - that might be a little TMI for him, but the more we educate people, the more they can pass on if someone else comes to them who is less informed and less able to cope than you are :)


    Otherwise... glad to have you aboard and I hope you will come here alot and pass on your positivity to others :)




    Hi! I did inform him about that when me and him sat on the couch and has a discussion about the situation. And he just smiled and said "okay then we will handle whatever is thrown at us." Love that big guy haha


    I have some positive things coming my way in the future. I just feel it!



  14. Okay! So I have gotten so many mixed answers on this and maybe some of you can help the confusion! I still live with my parents and I noticed that my mom was looking for a razor the other day and she used mine from my drawer I guess not realizing that I used it to shave my lower area. Can transmission happen from razors? What about from sharing beverages like beer bottles/straws? I know that the virus can't live even 20 seconds off the body but I'm getting so many mixed answers and I'm confused. Help please!!

  15. @kbutterfly you are definitely not alone. I was like that all the way up until I got my test results. At times it's a little tough but I have the support of my family and friends. And even the support from the people on here! You're from Jersey too which means we're tough as hell! Feel free to message me and we can be buddies :)

  16. Also, it is normal to go through a roller coaster of emotions. It is very fresh and new for us. We are still coping. So keep your head up and be the amazing self you are :) The rough patch will pass and you will feel like yourself again. We all have ups and downs. So try to comfort yourself with things you enjoy. I for one, don't mind a good distraction. ;-) I am here if you want to talk k?


    You are like seriously the sweetest person Anna I hope you know that

  17. Hello all,

    This morning I woke up and everything was fine. Slight OB genitally but that was all and I was getting my medication for it during my lunch break at work. Fast forward 2 hours and I go to raise my hand to my mouth and it hurt. When I looked there was a small liquid filled bump on my Cupid's bow, then my lips have been tingling all morning. I'm pretty sure I'm going through my first oral outbreak. Now the whole realization thing has been hard. I just found out last week that I had H. And I was determined to not make it define me. But as the days go on I feel myself crumbling. My heart and mind hurt, I'm scared and I just don't know what to do. Genitally I thought okay it's something that's hidden. But on my face, I work in an office and interact with people everyday. I'm just so close to completely shutting down and I'm scared for myself.

  18. I love the way you are handling this. It reminds me a lot of myself. I was sad but I knew that there are worse things in life and this is something we can overcome. My name is Anna! I too love coffee and music. No tattoos haha although I like to see them. I love dancing, food and meeting new people. Welcome and congrats on being on the path of overcoming :)


    Well hi Anna, you just met a new person! Haha food is good. Food is REAL good. Haha and thank you!

  19. Welcome and so glad to hear you are taking this all in stride! Be proud of yourself for figuring out what takes many years to do! Hang in there, you for this!


    Thank you! There are some set back days, and days when I don't want to get out of bed at all. But everyone has those days right ?

  20. Hey everyone! I was recently diagnosed with HSV2 and posted my story on the "just found out I have herpes" forum! I'm 20 years old and from New Jersey. I would love to get to know some of you and talk because at times I feel alone when I know I'm not! Both men and ladies are welcome to say hi! :)

  21. Hi all!

    After visiting this forum for the last few weeks and reading some posts on here I have decided to make my profile. A few weeks back I slept with someone I thought I trusted and ended up contracting H from him. Now please bear with me because as I am writing this my mind is a tad all over the place.


    I met the person when I was 16, and after thinking that this was our time to finally be together, I slept with him. A few days after I noticed some things weren't right with my body and after thinking it was a very horrible yeast infection I decided to go to the gynecologist. She honestly took one look at me and said the word. And I ended up crying for the rest of the day. The week leading up to my test results was the worst week I've ever experienced. I wasn't eating, whatever I was ingesting was coming up that same day, I couldn't sleep, and I was talking to God non-stop (which is never a bad thing)


    Last Monday I got asked to come into the doctors office after work, and my mother decided to come with me. There the doctor told me "Look, your cells are actually fine. And whatever infection is there is actually really small. But you did test positive." After saying goodbye to my doctor and asking a few questions, I got into the elevator and I cried. But I didn't cry as much as I was expecting because to be perfectly honest I coped with it in the week prior. I called my previous partner to let him know and now we are just waiting for his results to get back. Things are still very awkward with me and him because I think he is still a bit mad at himself.


    Both of my parents know, and after telling my father he hugged me and said "you're stupid. You didn't use protection and look where you are. But I love you and I always will." And we cried. But to be honest it felt good. I wasn't second guessing what I had. I now knew what was wrong with my body. And to be perfectly honest, even a week into my diagnosis I'm okay! There are times when I feel alone and I'm beyond scared about my future. But I feel like this is something I am able to handle and with this amazing community in front of me, I know I don't have to be alone.


    So hello :) my name is Maia. You can call me ThatJerseyGirl. I'm a lover of coffee, tattoos and super awesome music. I'm going to let H be apart of me but not define me. And it is super nice to meet all of you :)

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