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Posts posted by Sunshine

  1. Hi Rubber Duck,

    I had similar experience than you seventeen years ago. While I went to doctor suffering from painful symptoms he prescribed some antibiotics and did not mention anything about the risk passing the hsv1 to someone else. At this point maybe Internet and computers were not as present as today in our lives, so I did not worry about it and the years passed.... I had two long term relationships and never had any issues with herpese. Never had cold sores or anything down there...


    With my two partners we had unprotected sex and they never had any symptoms of herpes neither. I also have been pregnant and have healthy child. While I was pregnant I discussed with my gyneco and he also told me to not worry about it...


    Recently I am reading a lot about hsv2 and found it very confusing while hsv1 genital infection is mentioned. I spoke with a close friend of mine who is doctor and she explained to me how different the two viruses are and that the hsv1 even transmitted genitally is rare to give an outbreak and remains a different than the hsv2 virus. That most of the people had hsv1 exposure while kids and have antibodies... Finally that the hsv1 is not so easily transmit able via sexual activity as the hsv2 if there is no outbreak...

    Perhaps talking with your doctorswould help more than worrying while reading the information at these forums. Not certain that you need to take the same precautions as if you had the hsv2 And most importantly you are risking while disclosing to your future partners to freak them out about something that may not be a concern.



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