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Posts posted by DarkManX

  1. I know that morally disclosing is the right thing to do, but has anyone had the fear of disclosing to someone and they try to use it to expose you to other people? This is a very personal and private thing trying to be open and honest with someone and they put your business out there for others to know. It's quite embarrassing.

  2. @Adrial, just one of those days man. I've had this virus for quite some time and usually I'm ok, but there are times when I slip back into that feeling of no one will ever accept me. This feeling comes and goes just like my outbreaks lol. I had to try and make light of the situation. Thanks for your reply.

  3. I've read that a person with the herpes virus is always contagious even without symptoms, and I've also read that we are not always contagious. There's so much conflicting information out here until you don't know what's what. How can you explain about this virus to someone when you don't even know what's the truth?

  4. Thank you @MIssouri. I've had this virus for six years now. My outbreaks are few and far between. I also have hsv1 since I was a kid(double whammy)lol. Honestly, the physical part of the virus isn't a problem for me, it's the mental aspects of it all. People think just because you have herpes that we are dirty, and filthy. This virus has nothing to do with that. This virus is from skin to skin contact and anybody can get it. I'm so tired of the jokes people tell about herpes like they can't get it.

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