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Posts posted by froggygurl

  1. Hey Everyone, I posted a little over a month ago about finding out my partner had herpes. I have gotten tested and so far it's negative. He and I are still dating and he is an amazing guy! I just wanted to give you all hope, I guess. I read so many postings on here from people who are worried they won't ever be able to find love or peace within themselves or with someone else, because of this virus. They're afraid there is no one out there that will love and accept them for who they are. Herpes or not, I have never been with a man who treats me as well and as kind as he does. He is so incredibly supportive of me, despite all my imperfections. I was nervous that I would never be able to get past this thought in my head when we were intimate. And every time we are, it doesn't even cross my mind. All I can think about is how lucky I am to be with such a great person. And it makes me want to tell you all to keep striving and try to stay positive. It doesn't matter that you have a stupid virus. What matters is that you are able to love and be a wonderful person. Any potential partner you meet that doesn't understand or see that in you is not worth your time. We all have flaws and that's what makes us beautiful, both inside and out.

  2. Hey everyone... So I've been friends with this guy for over a year. Recently, we started dating and things got intense really fast. We slept together, with protection, until 2 weeks ago. Last week, he sat me down and told me that he has genital herpes and that he hadn't had an outbreak in 9 years. However, the day after we had unprotected the unprotected sex, he started to have pre-outbreak symptoms and then had an outbreak. He was so upset and nervous to tell me, he avoided me for a week. I honestly thought something was wrong with me or that he didn't want to be with me. He felt horrible for putting me at risk and thought I was going to bail when he told me. At first, I was a little shocked. More than anything, I was bummed that he didn't tell me before we had unprotected sex. BUT, I can also see how hard it was for him to tell me.


    He is an amazing person. I really, REALLY like him a lot. After researching all about the virus, I'm not as scared. I feel like he is worth the risk of getting it. Obviously, if I don't have it already, I would prefer not to! But I also recognize that it's not that big of a deal.


    I guess now I'm just trying to get answers about what to expect. It's been 2 weeks and I haven't had any symptoms yet, (I don't think). He was in a relationship with another woman for 9 years and they had unprotected sex. She has never tested positive, never exhibited any symptoms. But he also never had an outbreak with her. I read that the chances that I will get it is much higher in the pre-outbreak and outbreak times. But that I could get it even when there are no visible symptoms. What do I do now? I know a test won't show that I'm positive this early. So now I feel like it's a waiting game. In the meantime, I want to be with him, I want to continue with what we have going. Do I just make sure to use protection? (which I also read isn't a 100% either.)


    I guess I just want to feel normal with him. To feel like there's not a big fat virus in the middle of the room when we're together again, preventing us from connecting. Any advice from anyone? Thoughts? Just some good, positive feedback to my situation??

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