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Posts posted by winter

  1. I was diagnosed with hsv 2 a year ish ago and the doctor gave me famcyclovir which made me feel like i was about to diiiieee. I couldn't breathe and my heart would be pounding. I tried being off meds but would get constant prodome symptoms but not many outbreaks after. I recently got on valcyclovir a month and a half ago and my symptoms are gone and i have been outbreak free. I feel wayyyy better on it. I guess it depends on your body? I've never tried acyclovir though but i see many people on here are given that. Just try something else. What works for me apparently doesn't for you but maybe the one that didn't work for me might help you. Good luck!

  2. @wcsdancer2010 I'm around90% positive it is a herpes rash type of outbreak because this time í actually noticed the bumps showing up first and then the insane itching and then it started looking like scabs late on the day or the next...this particular site scars too.....you're right on the hormonal part though, mother nature decided to show up and cause more chaos as well.


    @2legit2quit lmao starfish?!? That's hilarious!

  3. @2legit2quit Yeah I had the blood test in October, positive hsv2....althought, I never went back to ask the values when I found out there were measurements? Like it matters now anyways.... I actually did freak out at first....you answered my first post lol I thought I was gonna die and felt nasty and contagious and freaked out about hiv and obs and medicine....but my friend is a nurse and she would tell me it's not as stigmatized in hospitals as it is per say in school. She has helped a lot. What also helped was that I'm going into the counseling field and you learn about really sad stuff so I've basically counseled myself into thinking I'm ok and life goes on. My calmness has taken time to achieve, I'm very anxious. I guess the over all reactions of people I've told has helped too....I didn't have anyone react megatively either....all my answer have been more or less like "omg herpes? Oh there's medication for that!" conversation topic changed. So I see a lot of people on here that have had rejections and to be honest I wish someone would react negatively so I would know the feeling because I know eventually Isomeone will but so far it's all been positive for me. About the men...yup...turns out they don't care about H they just want to get laid. I even showed one the rash on my butt and he's like that's it?!?!? So just chillax girl, if you act nonchalant about it, they will too.

  4. @2legit2quit

    Did I get what tested? The actual rash? Or the H blood test? ...well, I freaked out for like a month when diagnosed and then I was over it. I've had worst things happen in my life so I'm pretty nonchalant about most things nowadays. You just can't live your life wrapped around H or concentrate on just that when there's many things to really put effort into thinking like life goals and family and trips. Idk I guess it helps that I've had supportive friends and family too.

    I actually have told two previous partners....they both took it pretty well....I still talk to both of them and it's all good....I had sex with one after I told him....and the other one said he would still have sex with me too and he asks questions and he's been there for me quite a bit... I told another guy I dated too but that guy was a douche. He didn't reject me but he dissappeared after we had sex. Goes to show that guys will go as far as risking their health even after they know their health could be at risk. That guy was a nurse too so he knew his risks.

  5. For some years now, maybe around 3, I've been getting super itchy rashes on my butt around the same spot from time to time. One time I showed my friend and she was like, "that's definetly a spider bite!" Since then, I've been getting these "spider bites" from time to time and the whole time I've been wondering why a spider would pick my butt out of all places and all the damn time!!! Fast forward to getting H diagnoses in October of last year, I got that outbreak on my vagina. Then, I started getting rashes under my butt cheeck....and this week I happened to get the rash on my buttcheek where "the spider bite" usually shows up and I realized, omg I've probably had H for years now!!! *lightbulb on head moment* lol Now I'm surprised and shocked thinking "you're a sneaky bitch H wtf?!" I know H switches ob spots from time to time and now I'm left wondering why all of a sudden it started picking different spots like under my butt cheeck and my vag and why my symptoms are stronger when it's stayed at the one spot for years??? It's kind of also a relief because I've been thinking about the second "big" ob and when it would happen and now I'm thinking more like, "that's it??? This is the big H deal everyone is scared of and goes nuts about?!?!" I didn't really let H affect me in the first place and now I'm taking it even lighter since I kind of know that it hasn't affected me this far. So, I guess now I moved on from the newbie to the i didn't know I had H all along category. Shocker.

  6. Well....i wouldn't even know where to start? That sounds like that dude was just looking for an excuse to be out the door. Immaturity at it's fullest. I honestly wish i would be flat out rejected for once....but the guys i have told say they are fine then they just wanna sex it up and dissappear. Why would anyone in their right mind risk it like that? I'm not on suppressive therapy either.....

  7. Soooo....the only guy I've disclosed to about my hsv2 status is my ex fwb of some years. We are good friends and would spend a lot of time together before he left to another city. I told him as a practice run, i guess? Just wanted to see a guys reaction to my new status. He was really nice and he still talks to me. So, when he was in town for the holidays he mentioned he would still be willing to have sex with me. I thought it was cute that he mentiomed apps being out there that show you how to be careful. I kind of panicked and told him i didn't want to because I'm not on meds every day and didn't want to be the blame for him getting it. So, i kind of scared him away from the thought of having sex with me by telling him how shitty it feels to have prodome symptoms and being uncomfortable and he didn't mention it again. He mentioned when he left that i got an attitude (i guess my guard went up) and it became the reason for us not even hanging out. I kind of felt bad and told him that i cared about him and i didn't mean to be mean. Too late now that he's gone again....I'm barely 4 months into the knowledge of having hsv and I just keep running from every guy that wants to date me to avoid disclosing. It sucks that I might lose the opportunity of being with someone that accepts me but I'm too scared to be the blame for passing it. :( i guess hsv sex is like being a virgin all over again....How am i supposed to know what to do and not to do when idk myself? It sucks. :(

  8. @2legit2quit I saw several other websites that people mentioned gettingt more obs from vitamin D so I got scared to try it. Maybe they got the wrong one or too much??? What's a good dose to get on? I started eating yogurt with vitamin D and A so I'm getting a little bit.


    Whoa! Your fatigue was way more than I'm getting! Is it better now?


    I haven't gone back to the gym yet, I'm scared of fainting. I want to try this week if I have time. Hopefully, I dont get worn out because I'm pretty bummed I haven't been able to go for two months :(


    I haven't noticed being as tired as you mentioned? I hope it stays that way so I don't need to take daily meds. *crossing my fingers* so far, I only feel fatigue on prodome days. My days are too long to be sleeping 15 hrs, ouch! That must've been frustrating. I have been trying to sleep an adequate amount of time and I try to stay as calm as possible. I think it helps that I'm constantly eating, you should try it! I eat like 5-6 times a day and that helps with lagging energy. I try to stick to a lot of healthy food during the week and prepare it the night before so I won't have an excuse to pick at junk food.

  9. @2legit2quit if you have the symptoms but no ob does that mean your shedding the virus at the time?


    I was looking into vitamin D but noticed that a lot of people were complaining about getting more obs when they started taking it. I'm scared of trying that one. My C vitamin has magnesium and zinc in it and B gives me horrible hives all over so I can't take that one.


    Well, before I was a regular tired like long day at work tired. This tired is like 11am and my eyes shut on their own kind of tired. It's like unexplained exhaustion. The first time I felt this was my first ob. The low iron also causes tiredness so it doesn't help. I found out about that a month before H but I only get that kind of tired the day of prodome symptoms. Today, I feel fine.

  10. @2legit2quit oooohhh I actually like those refreshers, I'm going to try them if I feel drained tomorrow!


    So, sometimes I'll get symptoms but no ob? Well, in the morning they were pretty bad but towards the afternoon they got really mild.


    No I'm not on daily meds, I take a lot of vitamin C for now. I want to see if I can control it without so much medication.


    Was I what, tired??

  11. @nothinggoodgetsaway I've never been an every day coffee drinker. The one month I tried it every morning was actually the month that my immune system crashed, so, I just take coffee on days I'm REALLY in need of energy. Plus, I'm off of caffeine because I'm iron deficient too. Caffeine doesn't allow your body to absorb iron. *sigh* I have an endless list of things that are wrong with me.


    I drink Echinacea tea in the mornings, I was actually hoping that tricked my brain but my brain is like ummm haha nice try. I used to drink green tea and had to switch it out.


    My mini naps usually end up being 3-4 hrs for me to regain energy and it annoys me that I have things to do but end up sleeping instead :(


    I wanted to see what other alternatives there are but I guess you can't take shortcuts to rest and sleep.


    I appreciate your help. :) thanks!

  12. So, I somewhat think I woke up with prodome symptoms this morning, thighs/butt sore and kind of burning sensation,lower back pain, my throat sore, and completely exhausted but no tingles or itching on my vagina(yet). I had a stressful last week and was drinking coffee to survive my studying and work time and wasn't sleeping well on top of eating crappy so I'm sure all that contributed to what om pretty sure will be my second outbreak. My question is, what do you guys do when you're having prodome symptoms and feel completely exhausted since coffee and energy drinks are a no no?? My eyes shut on their own and idk what I could take to get some energy going? I know vitamin B helps but that gives me hives so idk what else I can do?

  13. @2legit2quit omg I can imagine the endless frustration. I haven't had many yeast infections before these couple of months and it's so annoying!!! At least you got the hang of it now. Better late than never. How long have you had herpes?


    Well, that question goes back to my doctor being rushed out the room. He only said I was positive and idk what the values are or what I had in my blood test results. What is that supposed to tell me?


    I'll go get a refill for another 7 days to see if that helps clear it completely. I'm going to look into suppressive therapy....first I want to see how many outbreaks I get and how far apart they are without it. I'm still taking lysine and vitamin C and that I'll continue daily for now. I know my immune system sucks and I'll need to really keep up with it from now on.

  14. @2legit2quit well, he's out of town and hasnt gotten back to me but I'm planning to tell him as soon as he is back. I'm nervous because I now know I had it before sleeping with him so I'm scared he might have caught it from me :( I started seeing him like in August but I didn't sleep with him until October. I know I didn't get it from him, I'm pretty sure it was my ex but he will never admit anything, he's the king of denial.


    Yes, the condoms I use are latex. I didn't know they could cause yeast infections, I'll have to keep tabs on that now.


    Another question, since famciclovir didn't clear it in the 7 days I took it and now two weeks later I still have the blisters faintly there but no more itching, should I take another set of famciclovir for 7 days or is it a better idea to tell my doctor and switch to something else???


    You've been a lot of help!!! Thanks times a million

  15. Thank you!!!! @2legit2quit I did get a blood test and that's what came back positive :( So if my outbreak this time is just tiny blisters, I'll probably keep getting just that and it won't become lesions?? Also, about the autoinoculation, should I count the months as of now that I had the outbreak and stay away from touching it to avoid spreading it??? How many months are the usual time to stay away from touching the blisters to avoid them spreading further??? I read that HSV 2 will stay on your genitals and won't go to your face, I'm guessing that is in the case of oral sex? How true is that? My doctor was pretty douchey, knowledgable, but douchey. I'll look into another one! So then this would be the first outbreak, I've been feeling super sleepy and tired and generally like crap. I would get super itchy behind my thighs and butt for the first week, it was driving me nuts but it went away. I started using hydrogen peroxide to clean the area but I'll look into finding bactine :) About the yeast infections, they do keep coming back since I start noticing the white discharge and that's probably more annoying than the H itself. Do you get discharge from H too??? I'm just trying to adjust to everything and accept that it is what it is. :/

  16. Well, I just found out two weeks ago that I have hsv 2 while going in to get a pap smear and my doctor wasn't much help. He basically said here's the meds(famciclovir 500 for 7 days) and search online for your answers. I had questions but he ran out the door!!! Idk how long I've had the virus but it showed up at a time when I hadn't had sex for months (since like Feb) and my immune system crashed due to my other recent findings of anemia and cholesterol. In September, I noticed my first blister because I felt something itchy and mildly painful for days towards the back of my vagina on the outside until I decided to look. Within some days, it disappeared, so I thought it was just a rash and paid no mind. I had been seeing a guy since around August and he was leaving out of town for a month(October) and we had sex before he left(with condom). 2 weeks after that was when my pap smear was scheduled, the blister was back and my doctor noticed it and tested me. It turned out to be positive and my jaw was floored. I went for the pills and had to leave out of town for the weekend the next morning(Saturday).... Sunday night I noticed another blister towards the top of my vagina by "the hood" and tiny ones along the sides of my inner labia. Idk if that might have been autoinoculation or spreading by having sex? I keep reading about other peoples outbreaks, bursting ulcers with pus and pain but I have nothing close to ulcers, I have little blisters that are barely there. They didn't go away with the meds but most of the itching did stop. I read online that most people start taking lysine and vitamin C and get positive results so I went out and bought pills. The lysine and famciclovir weren't much help until I bought the vitamin C pills and I think the blisters are looking a little more faint after taking vitamin C for 2 days (I'm taking like 5000mg a day) which I'm happy about. I've seen everywhere that your first outbreak is the most painful and worst so idk if my little blisters would be considered my first outbreak? Or should I expect a full blown outbreak with ulcers in the future??? I've also been having unusual pain around my right ovary which has never happened before so idk what that means, maybe blisters inside??? I'm also not sure if my sore throat has anything to do witht the virus because it feels swollen?? Oh and I keep getting yeast infection after yeast infection and idk if that has to do with the virus? I am lucky to have a good team of close friends and family that have been helping me cope with all my emotions but I still need people who can relate to me and help me with questions that idk about. I'm just trying to keep calm.....trying is the key word. I keep seeing everywhere that hiv could infect people with hsv faster and freaked out about that so I went for a test and felt relief when it came back negative. I was a bit paranoid for a minute there and felt kind of stupid for freaking out.

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