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Posts posted by MissD

  1. When I found out I had herpes, I know there was only one person I could have gotten it from. I have only had sex (including all aspects [kissing, touching, oral] with two people ever. I trusted this guy, he said he had been tested and didn't have anything. But when I got tested later after having sex with him, I tested positive for genital herpes. I told him. He's pretty promiscuous and he needs to tell others. But he thinks that if he has it, I gave it to him. It's completely ridiculous and heart-breaking. I am so angry. I know it has to be from him because there is no other option. He told me though, that he was recently tested and was not positive for anything, and that no other girls have been positive, including his ex-gf. I read that many places don't test for herpes unless you have symptoms. Otherwise, you have to ask. So that could be the case? I know I shouldn't play the blame game, but it really sucks knowing that he gave this to me and I have to deal with it forever, and he thinks I gave it to him. He still hasn't been tested for it, even after I told him I tested positive. He wants me to get retested...

    My doctor told me that sometimes you can test positive for herpes when the Chicken Pox virus is active inside you. Is there any truth to that? I think she just told me that because I was breaking down and losing hope in life. I have had chicken pox. It's just confusing...

  2. I was recently diagnosed with Genital Herpes like two weeks ago. It's dormant, so apparently I've had it for a while and had no clue because I have never had a noticeable outbreak. Basically, this may sound like a dumb or silly question but I have concerns about ways it can spread. I know, through research, that it can spread even if you use a condom during sex. And I know it can be spread through oral sex.


    I have a two-year-old daughter, and I was wondering if I kiss her on the lips, if it spreads to her. Or say, before I knew I had it and like I scratched around my pubic region through my underwear or not, (gross, I know) and didn't immediately wash my hands and say I touched her hand and she then ate something or rubbed her eye or something, does she then get the virus??


    I just don't remember every little thing that happened from the time I may have gotten it to the time I discovered I had it. I'm just really worried. Now, I take the precautions with her, but before I didn't even know I had it...


    I'm sorry if this is all TMI or like you think I'm disgusting, but I really just need to know...

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