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Posts posted by DistressedHSV

  1. @2Legit2Quit I was diagnosed via blood test - HERPES I/II Ab. SCREEN, IgG


    The results were these:

    HERPES I Ab.(IgG) (AI) >8.0 Abnormal

    HERPES II Ab.(IgG) (AI) <0.2 Normal


    I noticed the red bumps/pimples (not ulcers and not painful) on Thursday November 13th at night. I thought they were bug bits because that is what it felt like when I touched them. On Wednesday the 18th I went to the GYN and she said she did not see any bumps. I showed her pictures I took and she said it can't be herpes because it is on both sides of my labia and not just one so it may just be skin irritation. She asked if I wanted a full STD panel done along with a herpes test and I agreed. When I got home, I took a picture to examine myself I saw any of the pimples/bumps but I didn't see any either. I did see, and still do, the marks of were they were because it left kind of like a small greyish scar.

  2. Is it possible to have HSV 1 orally and actually get the outbreaks on your genitals?


    Do they have to become actual ulcers for her to swab? Or cons she just swab the bumps even if there are no liquids?


    Since I'm asymptomatic does his mean that I could have passed this on to others without realizing? That is my biggest concern - I can learn to live with the fact that I have this and some days will be better than others. What I can't live with is knowing I have spread this on to someone else.


    I really appreciate your answer to this - I'm just feeling kinda lost at the moment with all this.

  3. Hey 2Legit2Quit thank you for answering.


    Yes I had a blood test done. She didn't swab anything because I didn't have anything to swab by the time I saw her. I showed her pictures (I took many) and she said it can be skin irritation. After I got the blood test results back she stated it could be herpes and HSV-1 causes 40% of gentian herpes.


    I regularly take pictures to see if it's come back (I'm anxious/paranoid since this is all new to me) and the bumps have dried up but you can see a small greyish scar where they were. Kind of like a scar a pimple on the face leaves.


    If a blood test has a results of >8.0 does that number indicate I've had this for a long time and just never got diagnosed or is this something I recently got?

  4. Hi I am recently diagnosed and would like to have someone to talk to about this. I'm so ashamed to even mention this to my family or friends and I need someone to speak to about this.


    I'm a 29yr old female and would like to chat with someone from the NY/NJ area. I have no preference on make or female just need someone to talk to about this.

  5. Newly Diagnosed....Help!

    Please bare with me as I am very anxious and trying to be as detailed as I can.


    I went to my doctor last week because I discovered the week before that I had small "bumps" on my vagina. I thought they were bug bites - didn't hurt, had very minor itching, and I only noticed because I felt a bump when showering and attempted to squeeze. When I squeezed most of the bumps they didn't hurt much and no liquid came out.


    My doctor said that this could be skin irritation and not herpes because it was on both sides of my vagina but wanted to run a test either way. The results came back positive for HSV-1 (>8.0) and negative for HSV-2 (<0.2). I'm assuming it's genital since this is the first time I've ever had any kind of vaginal bumps. I've also never had a cold sore.


    My doctor wasn't very forthcoming with information and just told me not to worry about it. I am freaking out because I have no idea how/who I got it from or how to deal with it. My current partner does not have it. I have so many questions that maybe you can help me get some clarity on:


    1-What are the percentages of female to male transmission of HSV-1 genital if the woman is not on any kind of medication for it?


    2- Can I still transmit the virus if I do not have active sores?


    3- Since my "outbreak" was not as severe as many others I have researched - does this mean I will have a severe one coming?


    4- How frequent will outbreaks be?


    5- Is it necessary for me to go on anti-viral medication even if I do not have severe or frequent outbreaks?


    6- Does HSV-1 shed as much as HSV-2 genital?


    7- How contagious am I? Right now I feel like just touching anything will cause someone to get infected.


    8- What is the percentage of transmission risk if I have sex without a condom when I do not have active sores?


    9- Should I refrain from receiving oral sex because it will instantly infect the person?


    I feel ashamed, haven't stopped crying and have started distancing myself from others. Any bump I find on my body I start to panic that it can be an outbreak.


    I went to the dentist today and had my wisdom tooth removed and now Im obsessing over what might be the beginnings of an out break on my lower lip. I'm washing my hands every time I touch my mouth are any part of my body for that matter.


    Please help!


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