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Posts posted by Benderdundat

  1. It is unfair..and "Life is unfair" ain't no help. :-) You caught it, then got screwed over by your best friend of 8 years. There's no way to paint a happy picture there. I'm sorry for your pain, physical and emotional. I caught herpes holding hands with a 3 year old kid who had draining cold sores, back in 1987 when nobody knew how "catching" cold sores were. I was lucky my husband believed me and wanted to stay with me. Hugs.


  2. I should also add, I did stand up and ask somebody what was being said about me and they denied anything was being said. Also defended the person spreading the rumors and said she was doing nothing of the sort. You know how things sort of trickle back and you put 2+2 together?? I finally did that and figured it all out. That's what is getting to me so much--that people won't say a thing to my face. Just literally looks of disgust.

  3. Thanks for your responses! Thing is, I had no idea why people were looking at me in that disgusted way and thought it was about something completely different! I just recently realized what was going on. I HAVE actually used my experience to help people in the past because I'm a health care professional so I've educated my patients and other professionals using my experience. NOBODY will even say anything to me. I figured it out on my own (what was going on). I would make a WONDERFUL speaker because I really know a lot and keep myself educated on the H issues. But people are truly cowards.


    Yes, they are doing this to make themselves feel better about their own crappy lives for sure. :-) And how many of them have herpes and now will be even more afraid to disclose after seeing how I've been treated?? It's really a shame. I would not even kiss somebody without disclosing.

  4. Help! Somebody is going around telling people I have herpes. I live in a small city and they are spreading the word everywhere--church, work, social groups, etc. I know who is doing it, they are evil and have been kicked out of every social group they have ever joined, and they of course deny what they're doing. People actually look at me as if I'm disgusting. No, I'm not projecting--I wondered what in the world was going on with the disgusted looks I was getting from people, and finally figured it out. I am holding my head up, but I am not happy! Any advice?


    I know perfectly well that "good" people wouldn't listen and wouldn't judge, but let me say, at times like this, you learn there aren't a lot of "good" people in the world.

  5. I caught HSV 1 on my genitals in 1987 by holding hands with a little kid who had cold sores. Went to the bathroom and apparently transferred it to the inside of my leg near my genitals. Had the viral prodrome (fever, achey joints) and 3 days later broke out in one small HSV blister (got it tested, yes it was herpes). My husband and I used a condom for a year and a half but got sick of it and decided to just use a condom if I had an outbreak. however, my husband DID catch the HSV-1 from me when I did NOT have an outbreak. Like me, he had the viral prodrome (that's how you know for sure it's an initial infection--neither of us had been exposed to cold sores as kids) and then broke out in genital herpes. He has never had another outbreak. I have not had an outbreak of genital herpes in 20 years but we transferred it orally and I have had oral cold sores a few times when I was run down. So yes, it happens. Sorry.

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