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Posts posted by lifegoeson1

  1. Thanks for the message @WCSDancer2010. You are right about life, anything can happen. Part of what makes it so magical. I just want people to be aware as I was shocked due to my prior research. I am prone to throat infections, so I'm not super surprised this is where it manifested for me. At this point this is new to me so I'm more concerned about my health (or lack of it) then the stigma.


    But I'm also a natural born skeptic and though I truly believe in science, I'm not that sure about all those statistics out there. How much testing and research has really been done? Herpes is not a priority to the medical community due to it not often causing serious complications (thankfully).


    I remember when the HPV vaccine came out and they wouldn't even give it to anyone over 25 because they said you would have already been in contact with it. Now they know there are so many strains that they have completely changed their approach and even give the vaccination to guys. Personally, due to my hypochondriac ways I like to have all the information available. Yes, it's a small risk but I would have changed my approach to oral sex, had I known.


    I'm sure most people on this site are extra careful about sex in general but it is a jungle out there with Super G and Super C and who knows what is coming around the corner.


    In the grand scheme of things, this has caused me to slow down and put my health first, so I'm grateful for that as there are many more serious things out there than Herpes.


    This site is full of supportive and informed people, so thank you for that.


  2. Hi everyone


    Wanted to tell my story as it is supposedly rare and lots of misinformation out there.


    When I was away on vacation, I hooked up with a fellow traveller. We had protected sex with very little forplay. I gave him unprotected oral sex for literally 2 mins. The next morning my throat was sore, so I figured I was getting a cold. That afternoon I noticed there was white spots on my tonsils, so I thought oh great I have strep throat. I couldn't access a doctor or medication so had to tough it out. A few days later I feel better though not a 100% and white spots were going away. Feel I'm on the mend so have some drinks (a few too many but hey I'm on vacation).


    Next day I wake up with a massive headache, wicked sore throat, fever, swollen glands and white spots now in the back of my throat. When I get to a doctor they give me antibiotics without testing (still on vacation). Finally, get home and go to the hospital (I can't eat or drink much and pretty much feel like I am dying)and they test me for everything under the sun and start giving me all kinds of antibiotics and steroids. At this point the pack of my throat is covered with yellow/white coating and tonsils with white coating. They admit me as they X-rays show lesions all the way down my throat. After getting well enough im discharged with no results yet.


    2 days later, the doctor phones and said the throat cultures came back positive for HSV2. I couldn't believe it. I had even looked this up before on medical sites and it had said it pretty much doesn't happen.


    In the 2 months since (likely) infection I have not felt 100% healthy. Took antivirals for 8 days and naturopathic therapies ever since. Have had a massive headache most of the time and very low energy. Feel like when I had mono when I was young. There is very little information out there, so it is hard to know what to do or how to treat it. Have had several yeast infections due to all the antibiotics.


    After diagnosis, I went to my family doctor got cultured again about 3 and 5 weeks in and both were negative but as I said still feeling a bit sick. Last week my throat started to hurt again. My glands are very swollen and white spots forming, so need to go back and find out if it is another outbreak or something else. Truthfully I think it has never fully gone away yet as tonsils never looked fully healed (have had strep many times, so know what infected tonsils look like).


    It's starting to feel like I will be sick forever, though I'm sure it will be become latent at some point.


    I hope this is a warning to people that you can get oral hsv2 from oral sex with someone who is asymptotic. Both my doctor and I believe many more people have it but just don't get sick from it and don't pass it on, so no one really knows the true statistics. It's s tough lesson to learn as I felt that I was very well informed about stds and was very good about condom usage. I now tell all my friends to specifically ask to be tested when they do there checks.

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