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Posts posted by boxford1964

  1. Is it true that L-Lysine is also affective for adults to take on a daily basis? Oddly enough - our cat has respiratory Herpes (different strain of virus) and I have been giving her Lysine. Her outbreak affects her eye - so, it greatly reduces the tearing in her eye. When we got her as a kitten we thought she had an infection until the vet told us she had Herpes.


    With regards to my original question regarding bike riding - So far, no issues riding my bike with an outbreak!.

  2. I have genital HSV-1. I had a second outbreak and have found Acyclovir to be helpful. My OBGYN is very helpful and supportive. I believe they want me to wait to see when I have another. Question: Do you have outbreaks when you are on maintenance medications? Question 2: Does HSV-1 have less outbreaks? I believe it is probably more the individual in regards to outbreaks. Question 3: I'm a serious triathlete will the bike-riding trigger an outbreak? Thank you for advice!

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