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Posts posted by johnderp

  1. I remember meeting a girl who had it, lived right where I wanted/needed her to live (traffic, etc) and was like head over heels. Too head over heels haha so she was not about it.


    I'm glad you're crushing it. It's definitely slowed me down, and I think we're very similar in the amount of sex we have /did have prior to this. But my finding out was timed awkwardly with moving to a new city and not going out a lot.

  2. "This makes me want to be a greater advocate against stigma, to be more open about it with people and educate them, so others don't have to experience the small-mindedness of potential partners."


    This is how I've been. Since I found out back in June/July I've been extremely open about it with my friend group, a LOT of ex-partners (did about 6 months worth for "hey you should get tested..." but then went and told quite a few others). I've met a few girls with it who have kept it private from everyone, including their best friends. I've gotten a few to become more open about it themselves, that by hiding it we increase the stigma instead of showing people just how common it is and how even them (or people in their group), can get it quite easily.

  3. Not to beat a dead horse, but I read through the first few pages. I totally get where you're coming from hippyherpy. Most sex is casual, which then translate into FWBs situations, and that was that. When you're a good looking dude who can go out and regularly find a willing participant for a night of fun H definitely killed that, haha.


    Anyway - I found out for me I have to just be honest. Only way I'm comfortable with it. I've told girls at the bar, and maybe we just go back to their place and cuddle/sleep and might end up sleeping together down the line, or we get back to their place, and it's time to "rumble," and they then disclose that they have HSV-1 themselves, or maybe HPV, etc.,.


    It's definitely not like it used to be but you can still go out and have fun. I also realized since I'd always maintained a level of respect/friendship with my "regulars" that many of them were cool with still hooking up, just with condoms.

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