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Posts posted by Atraju

  1. Hey everyone,

    I just wanted to say hello and that I'm new to the "family."  I was diagnosed a few weeks ago when I had my first outbreak.  It was awful; fever of 102, flu like symptoms, terrible sores.  After everything calmed down, I felt like things could get back to normal and I would be ok.

    However, today, less than a month from my first outbreak, round two is starting up.  I went to the doctor and he put me back on Valtrex for several days and told me he wanted me on suppressive therapy for a while until my immune system gets a handle on things.

    I knew going into this to expect outbreaks and I thought I was mentally prepared for it, but to have an outbreak after recovering from one so soon...its just exhausting.  Emotionally exhausting.

    I'm not depressed or suicidal or anything like that, but there were several times today I kept saying to myself, "I dunno if I can do this."  Has anyone else ever been there?  And the questions keep bouncing around my head: does this mean I'm gonna have outbreaks like this so frequently the rest of my life?  How can you have a normal life under these conditions?

    I wanted to thank everyone who contributes to the forum...reading your messages has helped me see that life can go on and that maybe one day things will get better.  I suppose just getting to that point takes time.

    Hello again...and thanks for all you do.  You have no idea how much you help...
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