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Posts posted by BrazilGuy

  1. Thanks for your reply.


    HSV1 score: 184 (positive)

    HSV2 score: 2 (negative).


    Test made at 12 week.





    I might be misunderstanding but they can't pinpoint location by a blood test. Did they swab you? I'm just asking for the clarification.


    You cant have both genital HSV1 and genital HSV2 (and if you can, it must be extremely rare-I've never heard of that before). Usually people with both have HSV1 orally and HSV2 genitally. What were your numbers from your blood test? Having those numbers would tell us more information that just a positive will.



  2. I was just diagnosed with HSV1 genitally by blood test, but HSV2 test came negative.


    I'm 27 years old and I was never exposed to any type of herpes before. I know it because I have some IGG tests done some weeks ago and only now it turned to positive for hsv1 and I have genital symptoms and neuropathy.


    MY QUESTION IS: Is it possible to get both types of H in the same place at once, at the same time? I ask this just to have some peace of mind that I didn't acquire HSV2 together with HSV1 at once genitally.


    Of course HSV1 is preferrable to HSV2. I'm just affraid that my next exam will be positive to HSV2 too, I have severe nerves problems (twitching 24/7).


    My last test was made at 12 weeks post exposure.



  3. I got blood tested in 24/02/16.

    My last sexual activity was in Dec/2015.

    I'm experiencing H symptoms since 22/02/16: redness, eletrical shocks all over the body (mainly in legs), low fever for 2 days, but no ulcers, no itching, no pain at all.

    I didn't notice a real blister on my penis, but a very tiny wound on a red spot located on the body of my penis.

    It wasn't possible to swab, because the tiny wound healed in less than 24 hours.


    Two days ago I got the results of my exams.


    SUPRISE: It showed negative for both, IGG and IGM for type 1 and 2.


    Once my IGG is negative, if I really have H, I was infected recently (because no antibodies were detectable) through NO SEXUAL CONTACT, and the only way I got H was in a toilet or during a visit to my proctologist (I have hemorroids) last week before symptoms.


    H is not only spread through skin-to-skin contact, be careful.


    Yesterday I decided to repeat the exams, but 95% sure I have H.



  4. Just to inform you that my first disclosure was a success.

    I know a fantastic guy for a year and he likes me a lot. We didn't have sex so far.

    Yesterday i revealed my situation to him and his was very supportive. I said all risks.

    His words: "You are unique is this world, i won't find someone like you in life. You are very special. Life is not only sex. We will take the necessary cares, and H is such a common deseases."


    Now I have HOPE in life again.


    My only fear is to infect him. I'll never forgive myself if it happen.



  5. Can you give more detail on your symptoms and locations and the sensations? You don't have to have sores to have neuropathy w herpes either. I didn't have sores when I had neuropathy the following four months after my primary. There are others on here who get neuropathy as well, w no physical symptoms. MOST people are asymptomatic or symptoms that are atypical and rather mild, that they don't associate it w H. That's 80% of those w HSV that are unaware for those reasons.


    If you don't know German translate this article: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herpes_Zoster


    It can happen only in genital, it's rare, but possible.



  6. Are you struggling a bit w acceptance and going through the denial phase you think maybe?


    I'm suffering of intense neuropathy all over the body and I haven't experienced serious problems with sores (they were healed in one day).


    I have a hope I have Herpes Zoster. Also because I didn't have sexual contact months before my first OB>

  7. Hello,


    I'm gay and I'm experiencing my first OB.


    I don't know if I have HSV1 or HSV2.


    The question is: if my future partner already have HSV1 antibodies (because of a previous oral infection) and assuming I have HSV1 genitally, will I be able to infect my partner genitally??


    Assuming things work this away, life will be much easier.... hope I have HSV1, not HSV2.... I don't have my exam results so far.


    Kind regards from Brazil.

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