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Posts posted by Roro7

  1. I'm also having a hard time deciding what to do. Having a second outbreak within the month of the first, and I don't tolerate alcyclovir which apparently is rare. I'm taking lysine to see if that helps, and I'm going to try propolis ointment which is also supposed to be helpful. I'd rather not get outbreaks at all and take a preventative dose personally. I have very physical hobbies and this is getting in the way with them. Another thing is apparently you get less outbreaks with hsv1 than hsv2, so that could be a deciding factor for you if you know which one you have.

  2. So I got the test results back from the clinic, and the swab test came back negative. I also tested for everything- syphillis, gonnorhea, Chlamydia, HIV, hepatitis, all those came back negative as well. The only thing that came back positive was yeast- which yes I had a yeast infection at the same time but unlike any yeast infection I've ever had so I know it wasn't just that.

    Problem is, now the sores are healed, so I can't really do any other tests. They're basically saying well come back and test again if it happens again.

    I know I can do the blood test, but I'm pretty sure it will come back positive for hsv1 which doesn't tell me much, since I've had cold sores before. Are there any other tests you can do or do you pretty much have to be breaking out? Has this happened to you?

  3. Thanks guys. I'm just worried there might be something else going on that's worse. I've printed out the drug companies whole pamphlet and outlined it. I also filed a complaint at the hospital about the doctor ( resident really) who saw me. I've talked to two pharmacists, one being my aunt, and they said that since its a similar ingredient I might get the same reaction. I'm waiting for my complete results from the sexual health clinic because honestly they are the only people who have treated me like a real person. I've been extremely depressed about the whole thing. I feel like no one cares about me or they think I'm crazy. If I have another outbreak or have them frequently (got this one during my period, try putting in a menstrual cup with that much pain, not fun), I can't ride my horse, I can't dance, and I can't even work barely. I'm a massage therapist so I have to lunge and go from sitting to standing quite often. I could barely let my dog out let alone walk her. And if I take this medication I can't walk at all and I'm basically incapable of doing anything. So it's like what's the point really? I'm supposed to be opening a new business and I have to be able to work at least. I want to go on a preventative dose at least for the first year to help prevent anything but I can't. On top of everything, not only did I have a break out, I had a yeast infection and a blocked bartholin gland cyst at the same time. I'm scared to even have sex again cause I don't want the friction to trigger anything. Anyway, sorry for the rant.

  4. Still technically waiting for my test results, but all symptoms point to herpes.

    I'm feeling really down. The weeks before my initial outbreak I was feeling literally on top of the world, more confident and capable than ever before. Now I feel torn down.

    My boyfriend is really supportive and has been helping me out alot. We think he is asymptomatic/had a minor outbreak he didn't notice. We've been together for four years so he pretty much has it as well.

    I'm having a really hard time feeling attractive/sexy. I know he still thinks that but somehow inside when I think of eventually having sex again or wearing anything sexy or pretty I feel.... I dunno like a liar. Like I'm faking it because if anyone found out they would find me gross and wouldn't want me. I know alot of people say that's not true, so logically I know that, but then I still feel that way. Another thing is that I literally just overcame some body issues. I had embraced my body the way it was, and started learning pole dance fitness. I felt so strong and confident even though I'm still a beginner. Now the pole is sitting in the workout room and I feel this sense of worthlessness when I think of trying to dance again. Like I don't belong. I'm also just so tired and worn out from this initial outbreak and everything that went on that I don't even feel strong enough to try, and that's making me really sad.


  5. So I went to the sexual health clinic on Monday and they suspect it's herpes, so I was prescribed 1g valtrex twice a day. I got my prescription filled and took it Monday night.

    An hour or so after I took the valtrex I had pain in my kidneys followed by uncontrollable back spasms. This progressed to leg weakness, to the point I couldn't walk or support myself. I started shaking uncontrollably, first my legs and then my arms, like tremors and jerky movements that I couldn't stop. I then got tingling/pins and needles in my hands and feet and face. After the initial intensity I became extremely drowsy and confused.

    I ended up going to the hospital in an ambulance. I waited from 10pm to 2am, still having symptoms, unable to walk or stand unsupported, and was basically told I was having an 'emotional reaction'. They sent me home. The doctor even told me to try the meds again.

    I printed out the drug company's full info sheet (39 pages), and under rare reactions it has neurological symptoms fitting that description listed several times.

    The thing is, these symptoms are associated with low immunity and possible renal dysfunction.

    I took a half dose (500mg) and had the same symptoms but less severe. It was still to the point where I couldn't move around much, and was so drowsy/out of it I had to lay down. I can't imagine going through all this just to treat this condition. I'm still waiting for my test results, I'm terrified that something even worse will pop up that might explain the crazy reaction I had. I spoke to two pharmacists who thankfully believe me, but my doctor just blew me off and her receptionist was quite rude to me. I'm so desperate to make sense of this and have someone believe me. I want to treat myself- I don't want to be in pain like this all the time, but this reaction scares me so much. I'm at the point where I'm willing to take it again just to prove that I'm not lying and to be taken seriously. :(

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