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Posts posted by cier

  1. Thanks ladies! I don't think I want to ever have to do that again though. It really put me down and I've been in a bad spot ever since. I dont know. I'm just so sad lately. Part of me wants to find someone to love and be loved by, but then when I think of how bad this rejection went, I just want to stay single forever. Is this normal to feel like this?

  2. So there's this guy I was on and off with for a few months. We recently started talking again and he told me about his interest in being with me sexually. The red flags went up and I immediately said no. Well I really thought I finally found a decent guy and didn't want to lose him so I disclosed to him my story through text. He said he was fine with it and wanted to be with me. He actually said he wanted me to be his girlfriend. I was on such a high thinking I finally found Mr. Right. Well the next day he ignores me completely and blocks me from all social medias. I'm not heartbroken that he did so. I'm just so sad that I told my deepest secret, a secret I haven't even told to my family, to someone who I thought I had a future with just for them to turn around and do such a thing. I'm trying to be strong and not cry, but I am in such disbelief that things could go so wrong in less than 24 hours. I'm just so tired of trying. I'm trying to be strong and take it day by day, but days like this makes me want to just give up.

  3. Hey everyone.


    So I'm coming up on my first anniversary with HSV and I still haven't told my family. Does anyone have any helpful tips? My mom can be extremely judgemental and already thinks I'm horrible for losing my virginity. I honestly don't even know if I'm ready or prepared to tell her. How did you disclose to family? How did they react? Any and all inputs would be appreciated!

  4. Hey guys!

    So after being out of the dating game for a while I met this guy. He seems like a good guy, but then he tells me he likes sex. Well I told him that it's something I'm not looking for in the moment and ask him if he'd wait until I was ready. He responded saying yes only if we can do "other stuff." Yes other stuff meaning oral, hand jobs, fingering, etc. I have HSV 2 and am on valcyclovir. Do I still have to disclose before we do the other stuff since it's not vaginal sex?

  5. I don't even know where to begin. I'm 24 and I was just recently diagnosed this past Feb. and was in utter disbelief. I had been with the same guy on and off for over a year and couldn't believe something like this was happening to me. I can still remember the doctor saying "Well it definitely looks like herpes, but we'll run some tests to make sure." I was in shock. All I kept thinking was how could this have happened to me? I haven't slept around. I immediately messaged the guy I was with who completely denied it. He even went as far as to say that he went to 3 different doctors and all his results came back negative. I don't even know if that's possible. So here I am in a city I recently moved to with no friends or family to comfort me. I've only told 3 people, none of them being my family due to the response of disappointment I know I would receive. Of course a million thoughts go through my head. My life is over. No one will want to be with you. How will I have kids? A family? How, or better yet do I tell my mom? Everyday I go through the thought process of dating and how I'm sure I'll be alone forever. I recently told someone from my past who wanted to reconnect I was diagnosed and he was not for it. I already don't take rejection well and now I have to think about this every time I date. It just makes me so depressed and disgusted with myself that something like this happened because I foolishly took him back every time. I just feel like now my chances at finding happiness are even harder than they were before. Does life get easier?

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