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Posts posted by jubejube

  1. You know that's exactly how I thought when I found out. I was 18 or 19. I figured I should get used to no sex cause it was never gonna happen. And no more sleeping around cause who would want to? And you know what. Just because you have it doesn't mean you can't have the same fun. It just means that the people you're with have to accept you on another level for who you are than just superficial ones. I thought I would never find anyone who would accept me and now I have. I'm not saying its easy but it's nothing you can't overcome. Life will begin to feel normal and you'll put it behind you. I'm only 20 now so it hasn't been that long for me. I feel like a stronger, more open minded and better person. As long as you explain to the people you're with that it's not a life ending disease it's a skin condition that happens very rarely. And if you use protection and preventative medication like I do then the risk is super ultra low. I feel like I'm rambling to you but just know that this website is full of amazing people and their stories which helped me a lot. I hope you know that the skin condition doesn't make you a worse person, infact I think you end up becoming a better one :)


  2. I used to get herpes outbreaks all the time. I've had it for 2 years now I'd say. I haven't really had an outbreak since. When I know I'm going to see my boy I start taking valtrex about 2 to 3 days before and continue until I leave. That was when he was out of town. Now he lives back in the city with me so I try to take one everyday as preventive measures. We use a condom every time but I can see he's still worried. I'm scared I won't notice the prodrome and pass it on to him. I haven't had one in a while so its kind of like waiting for something to happen at the wrong time. I was wondering if anyone had any other tips for me. I've heard lysine has been known to sometimes increase outbreaks. I'll do anything to decrease his chances of catching it.

  3. In the beginning I thought my life was over no one would want to be close or have an intimate relationship with me ever again. there was even a period when I tried to start back in the world of closeness again but everything blew up in my face. A whole whack of people found out my secret from one whom I thought I could trust. I felt worse than I did before and even more hopeless. But there is a silver lining to my story as for right now anyway ...


    I asked the universe for a companion who shared the same beliefs as me, was interested in the same things, and who could accept me for who I am. On my birthday the universe answered with someone I'll just call "the fox." We flirted and teased each other. I was having a lot of fun. I even mentioned to my bestie right away that this one I want to tell, before anything happens because I can see it working out.


    After having a good night hanging out, a nice dream about potential futures, waking up to a text that said "hey, btw do you have herpes," is not the magical morning I could hope for. Told by another "trustworthy" soul the fox was scared as I knew he would be. And I told him he had every right to be. Instead of screaming in my face an calling me names and threatening me like the last time, the fox listened to everything I had to say, he had questions, I answered truthfully to the best of my abilities.


    Now, instead of running the opposite direction, he told me how sorry he was we couldn't be that close, but I was still welcome to cuddle closeness and sleepovers. It's now May and my birthday was in February ... We are together as a couple now, we sleep together and kiss and are close all the time. It took time, and patience. But thanks to him, my fox, I've realised that herpes does not define who I am but is now just a part of who I am, something that can be accepted can be maintained and is not something to freak out about.


    It took the fox accepting me for me to realise I am still just as awesome and lovable as ever. I am so happy now and hey I look at it like you can't catch the same thing twice right? :)


    That's my story.

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