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Posts posted by thenewguy91

  1. Hello, today I saw my dad for Father’s Day. After greeting him and him kissing me on the cheek I noticed he had a scabbed up cold sore. I immediately went upstairs and washed my face off with cetaphil and then again with  hand soap a little while after. I suffer from health related OCD. I am wondering what my chances are of contracting oral herpes from this experience. To my knowledge I don’t have herpes and have been tested in the past. I am a 30 year old male. Thanks for listening! 

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  2. @WCSDancer2010


    Thank you for all the help and kind words. It hasn't gone away fully yet but it is nearly gone. Just a small bump now that has dried from acne cream. It never changed appearance only size. It was huge and painful to the touch now it is very small and does not hurt anymore. It has been about 6 days since it came up. It did have a tiny white head on it but it went away in the shower with a warm compress. Everyone I've spoken to has said its not herpes. But the anxiety keeps it in my mind. Something I'm trying to work on.

  3. Adrial,


    Thank You for the quick response and the kind words. Yes anxiety plays a big part in my life, mostly with health related things. Over the past few years I have become obsessed with my health. I've spent hours on WebMD and other sites researching any possible scratch or pain I've had. It is tough to deal with at times. I am great at giving others advice but not that good when it comes to myself. There could be a million things or people or doctors telling me I'm fine but I'll still obsess on that .0001 chance I am dying. This now applies to my most recent obsession which is this bump.


    It gives me great comfort knowing people like you are out there willing to help others and preach the good word. You've put my mind at ease over something silly. Thanks on the tips for general anxiety as well. It can be very consuming at times.


    All the best !!

  4. Last sunday night around 10pm I drank from a water bottle that I thought was mine. Turns out it was not. Nobody was actively drinking from it, it was probably there at least an hour or two before I drank from it. Three days later a huge painful bump showed up on my lower lip line. To me it looked like a cystic pimple which I am very prone to, I am 24 with bad acne. Since then it has shrank in size, and never changed in appearance, except it had a little tiny head on it which disappeared after applying warm compress. It never turned to a blister and never scabbed or anything like that. Yesterday (Sunday, one week after drinking from bottle) I went to my dermatologist which was about 4 days after the bump came up. She at first seemed unsure as to what it was but then said it is probaly just cystic acne. She did not seemed worried at all, and reassured me I had nothing to worry about. Then I went to a walk-in clinic and showed it to a Doctor there and he just laughed and said it was a pimple and that if it were a cold sore it would be easy to tell and again said don't worry about it. So long story made longer do you guys think it is anything to worry about, could it be herpes ?? I have been with the same girl for four years and neither of us have ever had a cold sore and ive been tested before and nothing has ever said i was positive nor her. I am a person with a lot of anxiety so I might be over thinking it. Do I have anything to worry about ? I was romantically with my Girl friend with this bump on my lip. dumb move so that has me even more scared. Any thoughts would be SO APPREDCIATED. Thanks !!

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