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Posts posted by BoatyMcBoatface

  1. Rather than asking about their sexual practices and tests like optimist I was thinking more of a simple," Hey, if you want to get together again, I think you should know..I have this. 1 in 4 people here have it, I got it wearing a condom..and I'm giving you a choice I didn't have. Everything we did the other night..you should be ok."


    I figured the worst case scenario over text would be...he doesn't text back. In person in a bar or at his place he could walk out on me or ask me to leave and I'd be sad in public.

  2. He didn't seem that into me this morning, I had to ask him for his #, he didn't ask me.

    If you were just looking to get laid, why did you need to ask for his number? I may be wrong here but I'm guessing you were hoping for at least a *little* something more than a quick hook-up....in which case if you had sex and then he didn't ask for your number, don't you think it would have been more upsetting?





    The guy from the other night texted me tonight. I opened up the text and it was a dick pic lol. I wanted to have sex with him so bad the other night. If he does end up wanting to meet up would it be better to tell him about herpes through texing or a call, or if I meet him in person over drinks? He went quiet an hour ago after I texted him last asking how his weekend was.


    Everything I'm liking about this guy is purely superficial at this point like, he was hot, had a nice apartment in Manhattan and even though we didn't have sex I knew from the other night we were clicking sexually. This is mostly why I didn't want to leave without his # the other morning.


    Fuck herpes don't ruin my chances argh!!

  3. I had my first bar encounter last night since getting diagnosed and I couldn't bring myself to disclose :(. I had my period though so we did not have sex and he did not go down on me (I have GHSV2). He didn't seem that into me this morning, I had to ask him for his #, he didn't ask me.


    But I was in a panic last night. Agreeing to go back to his place - do I tell him now? As we were walking back to his place - how about now? Kissing in his bedroom ? Now?? Luckily (sort of, I wanted to get laid) my period saved me in a way. If I hear from him maybe I will tell him before we meet up to avoid telling him in person. I hope also that he does not get freaked out I had oral sex with him because it shouldn't spread that way - https://herpeslife.com/herpes-forum/discussion/399/how-to-be-intimate-without-passing-herpes-to-my-partner-how-do-i-do-this .


    Again not counting on hearing from him again though ... just one of those guys..


  4. Mine's hurting too but for different reasons. I remember what it was like when my ex and I were living together (he's not the guy that gave me herpes), and he we became more like roommates then lovers. Maybe, sadly, your intuition is right but it would be better than spending the rest of your life like that.


    At least you got a ring :(. I cant imagine someone that doesn't fully love you getting a ring..

  5. I like blondes haha. My sadness is not about that guy specificallly, but I fear his reaction from others. I think you know that already though. That now there is something, a microscopic virus inside the cells of your body that causes a few blisters/bumps a few times a year, maybe, that will make another human being BOLT! that if you come near me your dick or mouth may end up looking like the worst of the worst google images of herpes!! It is not the same reaction as telling someone you have lupus or something but I didn't ask for this to happen either! So mad!



  6. Your story echos so much what happened to me because the guy who I believe gave GHSV-2 to me, I also met him when I was travelling alone. So funny you mention champagne. We drank champagne under the stars on the beach at night my first night meeting him. I felt so deeply connected to him too. I liked him so much I decided after 3 months apart and emailing eachother to fly down and see him again. What did I get in return for flying to see him? Herpes. Just herpes. He's gone silent since I last visited and I haven't even mentioned herpes to him. I hate that this is what the universe has given me in return for trying to find love.

  7. My strongest indication is that I got it at the end of March. I tested negative last October 2 months after last seeing someone in August so there's the chance the antibodies weren't there yet, but I didn't have the horrible flu and leisons back then like I did a couple weeks ago. I belive this was the initial outbreak.


    Anyways I was already a member of this dating site and I didn't know once I found out if I should delete my profile or try to keep moving forward telling guys after a few emails but before we agree to meet in person. I feel like I would be deciving them otherwise.

  8. Wow cool my first comment from the site owner haha. Thanks Adrial. I have watched several of your videos already.


    I looked at a pic of myself the other day from last December, a time when I didn't have herpes. This picture was taken at a very happy moment for me and I was dressed up nice, but I just cried looking at it. I feel like that girl is gone now.


    Yeah optimist I also believe at this point if you are dating/sleeping with people that don't have proof positive tests that date back 4-5 months since their last partner and the partner's past partners etc... you're at risk. I got it with a condom. It's like living in NYC and getting bedbugs. Sooo many people have gotten bedbugs even though they thought they "never would". Messy apartments, clean apartments, expensive penthouses..doesn't matter those little suckers will find a way in.


    I'm not looking for a H+ guy or a H- guy. I'm looking for..a guy. I'm not even a fan of online dating meeting in person has always worked out better for me. I will be so happy if/when someone accepts me despite this. I didn't ask for this. :(.

  9. No big loss, but this kinda stings. It's only been a week for me since finding out. I was a member of this dating site before I found out and was talking to someone there. I told him after a few emails that I had it. I just went back to check on the email thread and it says the member has either disabled their account or blocked you. This was about 3 hours after I told him. Not a H+ site. I already miss the freedom and confidence I used to have.

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