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Posts posted by transcendence29

  1. I'm very new to this as I have just been diagnosed, but after all of my research, keeping your immune system up and dealing with stress seems to be key. It is a bit of an investment, but I adore the brand pure synergy. You can't get better supplements. Non gmo, cold pressed, sustainably harvested, etc. I take their multi vitamins, b vitamins, and mix their powder into a glass of water. It tastes like a swamp, but it's filled with algaes, herbs, and all kinds of wonderful immune boosters that are hard to get into your diet. I deal with anxiety and depression, so avoiding stress is a challenge for me. But valerian root works wonders at calming me down. I hear st Johns wort is also very effective. I wrote a list of all the foods to avoid and the ones to consume during an outbreak or around times of stress when outbreaks are likely to occur. Basically avoiding argenine is the big key, and eating foods higher in lysine. A friend of mine tells me she hasn't had an outbreak in three years, and whenever she feels the start of one coming on, she takes 3000 MG of lysine until it goes away. It's a little risky because too much lysine can offset your body which can also cause an ob. But I think during times of an outbreak it makes sense.

  2. Hey all. I am a 23 y/o female. Just got diagnosed on Saturday. I guess I should start from the beginning. Me and my husband were married for four years before I decided I wanted a separation. We were separated for a year. Lots of drama, him refusing divorce, etc. I fell in love with someone else and was with that person for a little over a year before we broke things off due to circumstances. Me and my husband decided to try to work on things, and I found out (after we had sex) that the last two months of our split he was sexually active with someone. Well, fast forward a few weeks later and my lymph nodes are swollen, I feel completely run down, and symptoms of what I thought was a yeast infection sprung forward. The itching was enough to give me mania. Five days passed before I finally bought an at home screening test that turned out negative for yeast. If I didn't go to work the next morning I would get fired because it was Mother's Day, and there was no way I could do anything with the itching. I went to the ER to get a doctors note, and that's when I heard the news. Since then the blisters developed. My depression was at an all time high. I would have periods of feeling positive only to once again succumb to my emotions. I've spent all my time doing research, and stocking up on necessities. It would be hypocritical of me to be upset with him so I've moved past his poor decision making, but it doesn't make the knowledge of having a permanent disease any easier. The only relief I have is knowing that this outbreak is (hopefully) the worst one. I have decided to not take the antivirals for fear it will build a resistance to it, and because the side effects seem like a nightmare. I also was in school for naturopathy briefly, so I guess I'm biased. I have written a list of all the foods to avoid, the best supplements and topical ointments, and foods that are high in lysine. My arsenal includes a sitz bath, hydrogen peroxide, witch hazel, apple cider vinegar, Epsom salts, tucks medicated pads, hair dryer with a cool setting for drying, manuka honey, dermoplast spray, and supplements from Pure Synergy for my immune system. It's been two weeks since the start of my symptoms and I'm just patiently waiting for relief. The blisters only cause me discomfort occasionally and have mostly dried, but the itching is still prevalent. Still waiting on my arsenal shipments to come in for that relief. Mostly I'm just depressed I can't have coffee or sugar right now. Definitely feeling the withdrawals of my comfort foods/drinks. Anyway, thanks to forums like these and lots of research, I've realized that life will go on and that any negative can be a positive with the right mindset. My goal is to keep this sh** in remission for years and not let it interfere with my goals or my relationships. If anyone would like to be friends, have any advice or suggestions that worked for itching and pain, or just needs an ear to listen, feel free to contact me. Wishing you all the best through this tough journey.


    Peace and love,


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