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Posts posted by LowLover298

  1. @letsbeawesome you're definitely right about staying social! The first day I found out I stayed in my room and cried. I didn't want to see anyone because I was so embarrassed (and no one even knows about my diagnosis).. But I felt like everyone did for some reason. I've been seeing a therapist for about 3 years now and I talked with her on the phone for an "emergency session" and she really put everything into perspective for me. We have an in person session Thursday, so that's what I've been looking forward to. But I am really happy I got involved with this site, everyone is so helpful. I have been feeling a lot better!

  2. Hi everyone. I am a 21 year old female who was diagnosed with HSV-2 a few days ago. I am a complete wreck. I'm not sure where to go from here. I feel as though my life is spiraling down into a never ending hole that I'll never be able to get out of. The only person who knows about my diagnosis is my mom and she is very supportive, but I would like to have support from more than one person. I don't want to tell any of my friends or family yet because I'm not ready for that step yet, so I figured I would reach out to find other friends who are going through the same thing as me. I would be ever so grateful if I could find a buddy (male, female or both!) to help me through this confusing and painful time in my life.

  3. I just got diagnosed and I need some uplifting news that this is going to be okay. The only person that knows is my mom and I really don't ever want anyone to know. At least not now. If I ever tell people I need to wait until I feel okay with it otherwise things will go wrong. I know my brain and I know the thoughts I get.. I'm just not ready for others to know yet. I feel so hopeless and lost. The only thing I can think of is taking myself off of this earth so I don't hurt anyone with what I have (if I haven't already :(...) I hate myself and I'm so disappointed that I let this happen to me. I should have been smart about sex, but I didn't care about myself for about 8 months and I did whatever felt good at the time, even if it was just for the night. Ugh, I feel like I'm a horrible person and don't deserve anything good to come in my life. I feel that this is all my fault. I'm taking all the blame.

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