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Posts posted by KOB16

  1. Hey :)


    I don't think there is any conclusive evidence on this, it all seems to just be opinion.


    Personally for me it makes me feel like I am because I am so aware that I have herpes when I get the nerve pains.


    My doctor said to me after the sore has gone, maybe wait a week before having sex again... I haven't had sex since I was diaognosed so I can't comment on what happened afterwards - Maybe wait and see how long the pain lasts?


    It's a really tricky one :(


  2. Hey,


    I've had an outbreak in quite a few places and they have never been in the same area, so I'm not sure about it being less risk because of where your first outbreak is as I don't tihnk it is necesarily contained in one area?


    I agree with the people above that your boyfriend probably does have herpes too. The only way to know for sure is swabbing so even if he got a blood test and it was negative, doesn't mean he doesn't have it - it's not a trustworthy way of knowing.

    There's no way of knowing whether he gave it to you or you gave it to him, just because he might not had had an outbreak doesn't mean he won't. So don't beat yourself up!


    I am totally in the same place as you with worrying I'll never be with someone again - just got trust the people who are more experienced who say - yes we will!!!


    hope you are doing okay xxxx

  3. Hi Ab,


    I get this too! SO BAD! To be honest I get it almost all of the time, even when I don't have an outbreak :(


    Haven't really figured out a remedy other than taking a walk when you can, a nice warm bath to soothe and popping the painkillers - I also wondered whether it was normal to constantly have this nerve pain, I am assuming we aren't the only ones!


    Hope you are doing okay xx

  4. Hey Dani,


    Ahh man, I really feel for you - It's annoying the doctor said "it's not normal" for the first outbreak to last 4 weeks. Mine totally did too, then a week later I got another one (obviously not as bad - but still).


    I think everyone is different and medication effects everyone differently. Are you from US? I'm British and I know that in UK we are only given the pills after the first 6 months, reguardless of how many outbreaks you have in those first 6 months. And even then, they only give them out if you have really bad/frequent outbreaks.


    I am kind of in the same boat as you as I have had at least 1 or 2 outbreaks every month since my first one.


    I just wanted to message because you literally sound exactly like me. I completely undertsand how you feel and I honestly do not know how I will get close with someone again - I guess it will take time and the longer we have it the more okay we will be with it? That's what I am hoping anyway!


    Sorry there's not much advice in this, just wanted to message and let you know your not alone in how you feel about all of this - I worry that the medication won't work for me either (when I'm finally allowed it again).


    I have just been really focussing on myself, and doing things I enjoy and trying not to get caught up on feeling down about relationships etc.


    get some table salt and pour a shit tonne in a bath and lay in it - it will soothe any sores and I think it helps them heal quicker. See what this new doctor says, but honestly, I think a lot more people suffer frequent outbreaks than doctors realise?


    Hope you are okay,

    Katy xxx

  5. Ah thanks a lot for replying! Yeah I kind of just wanted reassurance that it won't be a big deal when I am away, I guess not thinking about it is the best thing I can do!

    I might pop into the clinic and just see what they say, no harm in asking is there!


    Ooh that's great to hear that your out breaks are less regular, I hope that happens to me haha!


    Thanks again xx

  6. Hey hun!


    Don't freak out too much! If you can get the meds again then do, but in UK I am sure they don't let you have it whenever you want unless you have a serious case of constant outbreaks.. I am looking into this though.

    If the case is they don't let you have more, then honestly the out breaks are nothing like the first one at all. They can be itchy but to be honest they don't effect day to day life. Unless you are trying to have sex, then I guess its annoying!

    I havent had it long (just over 2 months) and I've already had 2 outbreaks since my first one (how unlucky ay)

    Hopefully you can get more meds if you want, but if its the worse case senario and they don't give them to you then honestly do not worry because it will never be like the first time.


    Not sure this is helpful, I just want to reassure that you won't go through what you did at the begining.

    I always worry I have one when I see something weird, but whenever I have an outbreak I know its one. So weird. Maybe go the docs just to check it out and put your mind at ease

    If you want to chat more, I am totally here. Xxxx

  7. Hey!

    So i have been diagnosed for about 2 and a half months now.

    Was in a bad place to start but now I am okay - I have amazing friends, one of whom also has it! And everyone I have told haven't batted an eyelid and have let me be upset and then been really supportive. Kind of made me realise in general its not a big deal. (Especially since having another out break, no where near what I thought it was going to be like). The only thing that makes it a big deal is fear of rejection from someone it might affect.

    I worry about when I meet someone I really like what I will do but for now I'm.not focussing on that nor on relationships in general. Will get to that bridge when I come to it. Going for the whole Lone Wolf, I only need my girl gang vibe ha!



    I wondered if anyone has tips for being on holiday with Herpes. As i havent been having Out breaks for very long, i am already seeing that i am prone to them... had 2 since being diagnosed not including the horrendous first one!


    I am off travelling to Oz & New Zealand in December and really dont want to be having out breaks when I am going to be in a bikini alot.

    Anyone have advice about it, do you think the GUM clinic will give me the supressive tablets for whilst I am away? I am pretty sure in UK they don't just hand them out and only give them out if you get alot of out breaks, even if you pay for them, I'm not aure they will give them to me?


    Opinons needs as a bit worried about it and I want to enjoy my trip and not be self concious about the big H!!


    Thanks a lot guys x

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